Lisa Benson for November 11, 2009

  1. Missing large
    kennethcwarren64  over 14 years ago

    Since I’m not sure what this cartoon is suppose to mean, I can only look at the caption look at the word “Change” and assume she is referring the “Change” America voted for and saying that all of the people who lost their jobs lost them because of the Obama.

    The facts are that they lost their jobs because of the Economy was destroyed by Cheney/Bush and the Republicans.

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  2. Turte18df
    toasteroven  over 14 years ago

    Benson is saying that Obama’s administration is responsible for the current level of unemployment. The winds of change (change being one of Obama’s main slogans) blowing away jobs. It’s a pretty simple cartoon, for which I give her credit. Normally she tries to shove way too much into one image.

    One thing that strikes me as creepy about this image: Since the people were, I assume, the leaves on the tree of jobs, that means that before the action this cartoon took place, they would have been placidly hanging from the branches like so much human fruit. And that’s a very disturbing picture.

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  3. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 14 years ago

    We’ve been warned - there’s a way to go yet inspite of whailing on the right.

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  4. Windmill w tulips haarlem netherlands 383092
    a.c.d  over 14 years ago

    and what is the republican plan…nothing? oh right, like NOTHING is going to be the answer to all of your problems. And Scott the reason more men are being fired is because women work is more recession proof industries like health care and education, secondly they are paid less and worked the same so for employers it is easy to see which one is a greater drain and thirdly women also work more part-time work and more flexible type jobs that result in cut hours and not necessarily cut jobs.

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  5. Missing large
    Libertarian1  over 14 years ago

    Ken, some of the liberal actions that have actually become law or are proposed discourage employers from hiring new workers.

    Not to debate whether or not it is beneficial but raising the minimum wage decreases employment. The Pelosi health care bill, again not debating its value, is a very very strong deterrent to new hires. If you want employers to hire you must make it be in their interest. Card check? Once again why hire?

    You are facing cross purposes and seem to forget actions have consequences.

    ACD. Fact check. Women do not work the same and get paid less. Across the entire spectrum the average female worker puts in 90% as much time as the average male. Good reason- they still have primary responsibility for the home, hearth and children.

    ASMOF, women aged 25-40 get higher pay than the equivalent male.

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  6. Missing large
    kennethcwarren64  over 14 years ago

    Not to try to read to much into a drawing, but I would like to point out that the tree in the drawing is dead, which means that it happened before the Winds Of Change, which means that the Republicans killed it.

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  7. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  over 14 years ago

    It took W & Crew 8 years to make this situation happen.

    Barrack Obama can’t fix that in just a few months.

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  8. Turte18df
    toasteroven  over 14 years ago

    Striper and Ken: Yes yes, but you haven’t gone far enough. If we’re really going to over interpret this cartoon, we need to cover what we think those little plants underneath the Tree of Jobs represent.

    Me, I’d say they’re the… um… the Weeds of Outsourcing? Stealing nutrients from the Tree of Jobs?

    Hm… eh. Maybe you guys can do better.

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  9. Second city theatre 720222
    citynights  over 14 years ago

    I don’t think the ones who are flying away are praising Obama. Its been a year who’s in charge?

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