Michael Ramirez for August 11, 2009

  1. Turte18df
    toasteroven  almost 15 years ago


    I like the ship.

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  2. Willow
    nomad2112  almost 15 years ago

    On the mark again Ramirez.

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  3. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  almost 15 years ago

    uh, nomie they were manufactured. Even the nice indian costume touch.

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  4. Missing large
    moosegirl  almost 15 years ago

    Would you believe 2 Redcoats in a rowboat? ,,, With a salute and props to Don Adams of “Get Smart” TV fame back in the day.

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  5. Turte18df
    toasteroven  almost 15 years ago

    Ok, wait, I said something nice here. That can’t do.

    The Tea Party things? Stupid. Oh, how I wish that the founding fathers (including old Tom Paine) would come back to life and beat some ever-loving sense into these idiots calling themselves cartoonists.

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  6. Ngc891 rs 580x527
    alan.gurka  almost 15 years ago

    Great drawing, Mike! The one thing that kept me away from building sailing ships was the “friggin rigging.”

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  7. Statue liberty 2
    GNWachs  almost 15 years ago

    Does anybody here actually think all the “protests” held on every conceivable issue were spontaneous? Protests are always organized. The signs just magically appear?

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  8. Spiderman2
    ndroberts95  almost 15 years ago

    At Obama’s speech this year at my alma mater, the speech was interrupted by “students” who all happened to be middle age and from Indiana (for those who don’t know-relatively FEW locals actually attend the University despite its location). Contrived and trite, it gave our President another great opportunity to handle the situation well. What a difference a year makes!

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    jphacksaw  almost 15 years ago

    (1) Striper has his white hood and gown on again

    (2) The Boston tea party people disguised themselves as Native Americans -not sporting\

    (3) The taxes the British wanted were to pay for the colonists defense. Now the U.S. taxpayer subsidises the defense of Europe, Israel, Korea, Japan Taiwan etc, not to mention the billions poured into Vietnam. Be careful what you protest about

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