Michael Ramirez for November 12, 2008

  1. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 15 years ago

    Still sitting in 1980, thinking it can tell the consumer what it will buy.

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago

    They should get the idea to make the cars that they charge unreasonable amounts of money for, worth it. This is a concept they have never used before. Besides GM is about as US as Japan is now. Several Japanese cars are fully made here and a few GM cars are fully made in Canada.

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago

    Get the UAW out of here! If this happens, MI would go Red!!

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    mgd1942  over 15 years ago

    NO bailout, let the system work on its own , poor decisions and sitting on old ideas for years = failure . The middle class is taking a financial pounding , enough is enough !

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago

    Yes mgd this would have been the correct action, but if the Gov. can control homes and cars, isn’t that massively socialism??

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  6. Buddy
    lalas  over 15 years ago

    It’s the UAW’s fault that health care is so freaking expensive? What kind of argument is that?

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago

    Everyone just ignore lalas, that one is off the wall.

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  8. Buddy
    lalas  over 15 years ago

    MTT – Don’t be petty. If you disagree with me then show some reasons. Don’t just try to defame me with empty platitudes.

    One of the biggest reasons American cars cost so much is, yes labor, but also the fact that the company has to pay for health care. Not sure you’ve noticed but health care is EXPENSIVE. Most of the rest of the industrialized world has coverage for it’s people.

    I disagree that this is all the UAW’s fault, but I do agree that the unions have lost sight of what their original purpose was. They over-reached and are somewhat counter productive.

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  9. Buddy
    lalas  over 15 years ago

    BTW MTT have you read my follow up to your tirade from yesterday? http://www.gocomics.com/michaelramirez/2008/11/11/

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago

    lalas I will take back that post, and I will apologize. I am sorry, I was out of line. Just most of your others posts insult me on a personal level and that makes me not give a rip about you. I never care if some one does not agree with me, but I do not personally attack anyone unless I am attacked first.

    I do agree with you on your post here, for the most part. I know health care is a ton, but that would not makes our US cars bleeep and so flippin’ high priced.

    As well, about the other post: The shut up should have said: Just shut up with the personal attacks. But yes I got nailed by you and the other one. So I was a little upset. We took out Saddam, you think that was unwanted and unwarranted? My dad has talked with solders from Iraq and they told him stuff completely different from the media’s reports, like they are wanted and welcomed. They are happy to be the great liberators the media discredits them from being.

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago


    Don’t need it, I know my dad well enough to know that he would not make it up, mainly he was believing the CNN bleeep that we were loosing and did not belong there. I really don’t care if you do not believe it.

    OR you could find a few soldiers and ask them yourself. Always remember, they do not have to go, they could do a Clinton and move to Canada.

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago

    acellist How would I prove what my dad heard? No matter what I would be able to say is hearsay. He was in a float with a few soldiers in a parade a bit ago. They were honoring Iraq soldiers who have returned and WWII vets. No possible way to prove it.

    My advice to anyone that wants to know the truth, is find a US soldier that is willing to talk about it and ask him/her about how they were treated by the citizens of Iraq. I guarantee that they will tell you a complete different story then what you hear on TV.

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  13. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 15 years ago

    Acellist, I was talking with soldiers of the 2ACR Striker Force who have just returned from Iraq. Soldiers keep most things among them selves but did state with things being quieter I could believe about half of what is reported. In 2003 I spoke with several sergeants in Ansbach who were some of the first returnees, they had gone in with the initial thrust. Their stories didn’t support what mtt claims.

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago

    HUMPHRIES Really? What did they say?

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago

    I said was: I said they are wanted and welcomed. They are happy to be the great liberators the media discredits them from being. Maybe happy was not the right word. But still they are liberators and were welcomed.

    Yes they do tend to keep things among themselves, this could be why they told my dad, WWII vet. But no one has to believe me. I am just stating what he told me.

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  16. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 15 years ago

    mtt, I’m a twenty six year plus vet, I have my confidences and experiences. To have to explain further you wouldn’t understand. My point was that I’ve heard other than what you wish to believe. Enjoy yourself.

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago

    Hey, I was just telling everyone what my dad told me, from one soldier to a vet (from the soldier to my dad I am not a vet). Could it be that maybe we are both correct? Could be different troops from different areas treated differently and at different time. I have no clue, I just said what I was told. He did not talk to a Sgt., so I have no clue about how they felt about the higher ups, just how they were treated by the civilians in Iraq. So please do not call me a liar like I get the feeling you are.

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago

    HUMPHRIES says: “My point was that I’ve heard other than what you wish to believe” Saying what you wish to believe could be the way it was worded, harmless in every way, or it could mean that I only wish to hear it and I am wrong. I hope that is not the intent here, but just feels as if it is.

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  19. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 15 years ago

    acellist, You sir , are quiet preceptive.

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    dhleaky  over 15 years ago

    For 70 years the slogan of General Motors was ,WHAT IS GOOD FOR GENERAL MOTORS IS GOOD FOR THE USA. No choices. Buy it or go to H. Then competition came in with Quality and choices. GM kept believing their slogan, and that they were the leaders that controlled the market. After at least two Bail Outs so far, they still dont get it. After 80 yrs watching this farce, Chapter Eleven is their only recourse.

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago


    Sense you did not answer me directly I still don’t know if you did or didn’t, you know what they say about those who assume. But if I were to, I would think that it was just wording and I read it as you calling me a liar, if you did not sorry for suggesting it.

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    Joe Snedaker  over 15 years ago


    I do agree with you here. Why should my tax money bail them out? Will my tax money bail out the small business I work at when tough times hit? NO!!! Or they would be getting a fat check now. As they should not, if this company can not change to meet customer’s needs, should it not go under? Hard times or not? As should GM, Ford, or the banks, anyone who made a bad financial or business decision should have to pay. Look at K-Mart, the only thing that saved them is Sears saw it as being profitable.

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  23. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 15 years ago

    mtt _ you were given an answer.

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  24. Buddy
    lalas  over 15 years ago

    Lego – I’d like to see a link to those numbers. I’d heard a report on NPR a couple years back about how Toyota offered very similar packages to the Big 3 w/o the UAW. So I was under the impression that wages were similar.

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