Chip Bok for August 13, 2009

  1. Statue liberty 2
    GNWachs  almost 15 years ago

    Picture the Democratic response if Bush would have pulled something like that. The polite say he changed his mind. No, he is a super salesman and will say whatever it takes to close the deal. If it happens to untrue, too bad. If he gets caught as he is now his minions will protect him.

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    believecommonsense  almost 15 years ago

    Obama said during the debates that if we were creating a health system from scratch, he would go with single payor … he said that before the primary, when Clinton tried to trip him up with it …. he’s been consistent with his statements re single payor …. so what has he lied about ?

    the AARP statement was obviously wrong

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    nospam4me  almost 15 years ago

    Something wrong with the cartoon. Not enough ACORNS shown in that diseased tree on the left.

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  4. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  almost 15 years ago

    EXCELLENT clips of Glenn Beck on the Aug 13 The Daily Show. Go here:

    And click on “Glenn Beck’s Operation”.

    2009 Glenn Beck: “American already has the best health care in the world.” “You’re about to lose the best health care system in the world.”

    2008 Glenn Beck: “No matter how much the health care system would try to keep me down, I’m back” “My personal voyage through the nightmare that is our health care system.” “We seem to be a…system of health care that’s just trying to shove the patients out that door as fast as they can.” “Getting well in this country could actually almost kill you.”

    Could he be a bigger hypocrite? Of course, it must be noted that in 2008 he worked for CNN Headline News, and in 2009 he works for Fox, so perhaps he’s just a lying sell-out.

    A hypocritical lying sell-out.

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  5. Statue liberty 2
    GNWachs  almost 15 years ago

    BCS He now says he isn’t trying to get a single payor system. Is he or isn’t he?

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    believecommonsense  almost 15 years ago

    anthony, that was really too much even for Beck, no? thank goodness for Jon Stewart who takes the time to bring us these obvious hypocrisies

    GNW - what do you recall Obama saying about his healthcare proposals during the campaign, including during the primary, before he won the nomination?

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    Buzzy-One  almost 15 years ago

    anthony, bcs as with Mr Beck’s case - enough money will buy any opinion.

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    BroadwayCarl  almost 15 years ago

    Wow. Okay, everyone. Single payer (like Medicare) is different that universal health care. Right now we are NOT a universal systembecause insurance companies can deny you coverage or drop you for any reason, usually because you get sick. Nice ,huh?

    We have an existing system and Obama’s trying to conform to that. If you’ve been listening, his reasoning is that if we started from scratch there would be too much disruption in the system.

    A public option is just another insurance plan, but instead of buying it from an insurance company, you’re buying it from the government. YOU ARE BUYING IT, it’s not free.

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    BroadwayCarl  almost 15 years ago

    By the way, all three statements in this cartoon have been said by Obama.

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    4uk4ata  almost 15 years ago

    Snitch case? Nice. So if you want to ask the WH people about something you heard, just to hear their side of the story, that’s illegal. Yeah, I suppose the White House should also hoist the white flag and put a great big “Whatever Bill’O says is true” flag on its web site.

    Just how, exactly, does the site violate privacy act? You could, if you were enough of a cook, say “So and so is against the President’s policies”, but you could do that as long as they had an email. Or, for that matter, a regular mail address.

    Unless, of course, pushing back in the face of unfounded claims is oppression. Yeah, that might just be it.

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  11. Marx lennon
    charliekane  almost 15 years ago

    In Washington, you may not get what you like. It’s more important to like what you get.

    While you’d like a touchdown, you might end up settling for a field goal.

    Or, you might try to ram in the TD and see what happens. Of course,that could result in turning the ball over to the other team.

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