Joe Heller for May 11, 2024

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    Kiba65  about 1 month ago

    Moms know best.

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  2. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  about 1 month ago

    No need to be so calculative kid

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    Zuhl's Wife  about 1 month ago

    Best wishes to those of you who were fortunate to have been raised, taught, and launched by a loving mother. And / or Father. Many among us had to figure it out ourselves.

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  4. Blizzard
    Escapee  about 1 month ago

    A tip is not needed-the rewards manifest daily and are many.

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    librarylady59  about 1 month ago

    And… Pregnancy is a wonder of biology, but new research shows that feat may come at a price. In a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists found that women who have been pregnant showed more signs of biological aging compared to women who had never been pregnant before. The more times a woman had been pregnant, the faster her rate of biological aging.“We’re learning that pregnancy has long-term effects on the body,” says Calen Ryan, associate research scientist at the Columbia University Aging Center at the Mailman School of Public Health. “They are not all bad, but it seems to increase the risk of some diseases and all-cause mortality.” – Pregnancy Can Make You Age Faster, Time magazine, 04/08/2024

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    Zuhl's Wife  about 1 month ago

    Seems to me the MAGA drive to attack day care, education, reproductive rights, and contraceptives is a move to keep women out of the labor force, especially if they become pregnant. Follow the Iranian model for misogynistic ownership by men,

    Putting women and motherhood on a pedestal is a subtle way to patronize them.

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    Zuhl's Wife  about 1 month ago

    It’s interesting that FOX, NewsMax, OAN, et al all screamingly portrays Stormy Daniels (a mother, herself) as a (rhymes with “glut”) and a (rhymes with “tore”), while their MAGA Messiah is a “Sex God”.

    Because women love that man-splaining lecture in their misogynistic, patronizing double standard, right?

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    Zuhl's Wife  about 1 month ago

    During a FOX interview, the FPOTUS was asked about his flip-flop positions on abortion, so he spun off into his weird gaslight mode.

    He started with his “everything is great” spiel, citing the pass-the-buck states’ “rights” to choose what rights women should or should not have. He said the “abortion issue should be largely taken off the table.” In other words, just STFU about it.

    He then tried his usual BS, saying the GOP is “like the party of fertilization because we are for The Women."

    “We want to help The Women, because they were gonna end fertilization, which is where, um, when the, the IVF thing, where The Women go to their clinics and they get help and having a baby, and that’s a good thing, not a bad thing. And we’re for it 100%. They tried to say that they weren’t for it. They actually weren’t for it and aren’t for it as much as us.”

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    Zuhl's Wife  about 1 month ago

    BTW, Barron will not be a delegate at the MAGA hate convention. His mother, Melania, said he has “previous engagements” to attend to. More likely, he doesn’t want her son to sink into the MAGA crime-family morass.

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    truthsocialol  about 1 month ago

    To this day, nobody on earth can match my mother’s apple pie. That crust. Nobody.

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