ViewsMidEast by Cartoon Movement-US for November 08, 2023

  1. Missing large
    Sojourner  7 months ago

    The reason that Hamas’ poisonous ideology continues to grow is because Muslims haven’t the courage, or the desire, to condemn their atrocities, not those they’ve committed against Palestinians nor those they committed against unarmed Israeli civilians—including women and young children (BABIES). Muslim silence is interpreted as complicity by the watching world, especially when they’ve said and done nothing to dismantle that terrorist organization.

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  2. Fbab547a f046 46c4 98b5 08cf0dc801d6
    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member 7 months ago

    This ‘toon is total BS, and is blatant support of Jewish genocide. There are 22 Arab/Muslim nations and only one small Jewish nation. All other refugees exiting Israel since 1948 got resettled and became citizens of their adoptive countries within a year or so. Why are the Arab Palestinian people any different? Because the the Arab Muslim nations want it so. They will not accept Palestinian refugees and accept them as citizens because they want this conflict to continue in order to eradicate Israel and all Jews.

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  3. Freeradical
    Free Radical  7 months ago

    It will be no wonder that all the young males watching their ghetto homeland being bombed into rubble, watching their families and friends be killed and maimed, will be ready to join the ranks of hamas or whatever it will be called in the future, at any risk to self. Violence and hate begets violence and hate.

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  4. Aatxajzcbjkhwv zn82qc5gfshm ymwnypy0jhu8t1ux=s96 c
    YehudaReiss  7 months ago

    Hamas is pure evil – raping and murdering innocent men, women, and children and bent on destroying every last Jew and achieving world domination. Letting it be is conceding to evil and would not only be devastating for Israel and the rest of the free world, but for the Palestinians who live under their oppressive regime.

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    davidthoms1  7 months ago

    Netanyahu is working hard at recruiting terrorists of the future!

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  6. P1000380
    A# 466  7 months ago

    Perhaps the right idea, but saguaro cacti not only have shallow root systems (which makes it pretty easy to overturn them), but they take generations to develop into large, mature specimens.

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