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Sojourner Free

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  1. 4 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    My apologies, it was Elly’s mother, Marian Richards, who died after a long history of heart disease. Her father had several medical crises, which made me think he’d died. I looked it up and found that the August 31 epilogue strip revealed that her father would live long enough to see a final great-grandson, the product of Anthony and Elizabeth’s marriage, named James in his honor, and die in 2010 at the age of 89.

  2. 5 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Anyone who’s ever had experience with horses understands the truth of Lucy’s statement. Of course, it can probably apply to people, too. :-)

  3. 5 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    As in movies and novels, comic strips come in a variety of genres. FBOFW falls into the genre of Embracing the Human Experience in Drama and Slice of Life Comics. Johnston doesn’t shy away from the subject of dying and death, as the Patterson family also deals with the death of Elly’s father. Lynn has a talent for sensitively exploring the emotions we all experience when faced with the loss of a loved one, whether a pet or a parent. A good comic strip artist, like a good standup comedian, is able to approach their audience with an uncomfortable subject and soften the emotional impact with gentle humor. Of course, there are folks who simply can’t abide the subject of the death of a dog, no matter how carefully it’s broached.

  4. 5 days ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I love how well Hobbes delivers object lessons, in this case, the Golden Rule of treating others as one would want to be treated by them.

  5. 11 days ago on Mike Beckom

    There has been no uprising against Hamas since they won the majority of the seats in the legislature in 2006. Palestinians conveniently make the lame claim that their real leader is the occupying state Israel as their excuse for not ousting Hamas. Gazans cooperated with Hamas in building the 350 miles of tunnels and stocking weapons in hospitals and schools. Plenty of Gazans cheered the murderous atrocities committed by Hamas on 10/7, and denial by the MSM “news” and social media minions of the heinousness of the attacks on unarmed Israeli civilians doesn’t change the facts. Consider that the surrounding Arab nations refuse to give sanctuary to Palestinians. Palestinians are viewed with fear and loathing by other Arab nations, and the leaders of those nations deny them entry for good cause. Jordanian leaders have chosen to assist Israel.

    I feel sorry for the women and children of Gaza, because Hamas uses them as human shields. Palestinians aren’t suffering from starvation, at least, not because of Israel. Israel has ensured food donations enters Gaza; and Hamas has stolen the food trucks containing tons of donated food, turning around to sell this free food to Palestinians at the Rafah marketplace. Hamas soldiers have shot at Palestinians who chased after the trucks. Hindsight is 20/20 for Gazans, who have finally begun grumbling and complaining that “Hamas gambled with our lives”. Would they be bitter if Hamas had won and succeeded in destroying Israel? I’m betting no, they would be exalting Hamas.

  6. 11 days ago on Steve Kelley

    Tell us you’re dense without telling us you’re dense.

  7. 15 days ago on Views of the World

    What if it’s not us increasing the heat index (like we are that powerful)? What if the sun is heating up and “They” have decided it’s better to let us think it’s our fault and we can do something about it, instead of announcing it and creating a panic? Yeah, maybe I’ve watched a couple too many catastrophe movies. After all, “They” would never do that, right?

  8. 15 days ago on Gary Varvel

    Peel back ALL of the MSM legacy “news” logos and you’ll find that logo hiding underneath. Minions of the Democratic Regime, each and every one of them.

  9. 15 days ago on Monty

    I’m thinking that Monty doesn’t actually need to cultivate a nutty reputation, seeing as he already has one. :-)

  10. 15 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    Don’t just stand there like dolts – RUN!!