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  1. about 2 hours ago on Pearls Before Swine

    It appears that only a few here got your movie reference.

  2. about 2 hours ago on Pearls Before Swine

    “The Blob” (1958) scared me, because you couldn’t hide from it anywhere except a freezer. The 1988 remake was a bit campier.

  3. 16 days ago on Matt Davies

    Actually, it’s Biden who is a scofflaw, having repeatedly violated the Constitution with his EOs and mandates. His Administration was found guilty of bullying social media companies into censoring posts that were critical of their policies, which is a violation of our civil rights. The Democrat Party made their dictatorial aspirations blatantly obvious during the so-called pandemic, yet has the audacity to claim Trump is a dictator wannabe. (Rollin’ my eyes) Dem voters have willfully believed debunked lies to the point where you believe they’re the truth. That includes the lie that Biden isn’t cognitively, despite this being nakedly obvious during the debate. “Shocked” supporters called for him to step down. Meantime, the Dem leadership prop up their empty figurehead and claim he’s capable of 4 more years when it’s doubtful he can last 4 more months. Democrats are dangerously in denial.

  4. 16 days ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    Democrats are dangerously in denial. You’ve heard the same old debunked lies about Trump and Republicans repeated so often and for so long you actually believe they’re the truth. Meantime, you scrupulously ignore the fact that Biden has made several attempts to legislate via EOs and mandates to circumvent Congress, which SCOTUS has ruled unconstitutional—because it is. He flouted their ruling against his plan for student loan forgiveness. The 5th Circuit Court found the Biden Administration guilty of violating American’s civil rights by bullying social media companies into removing posts critical of their Administration and its policies. The Dem leadership are a bunch of scofflaws who defy the Constitution. And then they have the audacity to claim Trump is a dictator wannabe. (Rollin’ my eyes) As if that’s not bad enough, Biden’s cognitive deterioration was on clear display during the debate, so nakedly obvious that “shocked” supporters were compelled to admit “the Emperor has no clothes” and called for him to step down. Yet, his puppet masters insist their figurehead is capable of 4 more years. Whoopi says she’d vote for him even if he poops himself. WoW. Biden himself claims he’s still sharp, which is akin to looking in the mirror and seeing himself as the young, fit man he once was. It’s self-inflicted mass delusion!

  5. 17 days ago on Lisa Benson

    And so the Democrats travel from the Eighth Circle of Hell into the Ninth, purposing to drag us all along with them. I dissent.

  6. 25 days ago on Mike Beckom

    Oh, look, a WH minion is here spreading their propaganda about #46! Rollin’ my eyes…

  7. 25 days ago on Mike Beckom

    MISGIVINGS?! That’s what you call it? You’re putting your faith in a man falsely labeled a “gentleman” and a “statesmen”, a man who is a lifelong politician who accomplished nothing much positive, one whose own daughter was left traumatized because he forced her to shower with him, who has become wealthy from influence peddling, ad nausea, and who is clearly suffering cognitive impairment. You’d rather have him captain our ship of state? Trump can be compared to a rough and crude, salty sea captain, but he has the energy, the experience, and the cojones to guide this ship of state through the rough waters that Biden sailed us into. I’m sure my comment will trigger a pig pile of trollish replies, to which I won’t bother to respond.

  8. 25 days ago on Mike Beckom

    ROFLMAO! Joe repeated the same old lies he’s repeated for the past FIVE years. You believe him, because when a lie is repeated often enough people assume it’s the truth. You, and Democrats in general, it would appear, are willful victims of confirmation bias.

  9. 26 days ago on Steve Kelley


  10. about 1 month ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    When moral outrage is highly selective, it’s no longer moral, it’s politics.