Bill Bramhall for September 25, 2023

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    old1953  8 months ago

    Strikes are never over quickly, once they walk out, the workers want real improvement and it takes a while to get that.

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    aristoclesplato9  8 months ago

    Who cares. Woke killed comedy and most other entertainment shows. It’s pretty much garbage these days and no reflection of the real world.

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    Motivemagus  8 months ago

    @aristoclesplato9 What, we should read you instead?

    “Woke” – whatever that is, since no one who uses it defines it – did not kill comedy. There’s more great comedy than ever, and what’s more, comedy that doesn’t rely on tired sexist or nasty racist tropes. And Louis CK and Dave Chappelle seem to doing just fine despite their own “cancellation.” If you can’t keep up with your audience, it’s time to retire.

    “Most other entertainment shows”? Name three! It’s been a renaissance of great shows, for which writers and actors are not getting paid, which is why they are striking – the entertainment companies are making record profits, but that money isn’t going to the people who make the entertainment.

    “No reflection of the real world”? No one who supports #45, like you, can possibly say that with a straight face. That, in fact, is hilarious!

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    ibFrank  8 months ago

    I for one would be very happy if both sides can come together and get a fair contract. I have no clue what woke means because nobody has defined it as far as I know. Most of the time, the person who is screaming woke is doing something stupid or mean.

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    cmxx  8 months ago

    No reason to give up on knowing what “woke” actually means. For fair definitions of “woke” try merriam-webster.Com. Try Wikipedia, even.

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    ncorgbl  8 months ago

    “woke”, much like ‘politically correct’, is simply showing consideration for your fellow American. conservatives try to demonize those terms. Do conservatives oppose showing consideration, or just oppose Americans?

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