Mike Beckom for June 15, 2023

  1. Ezgif.com resize
    old1953  12 months ago

    Now, that’s playing some inside baseball. Does it help if I call it “The Patsy T. Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act”?

    Probably not much. Title IX is the part of the Civil Rights law that was passed in 1972 to ensure equal opportunity in education. Cons have hated it since day one.

    This is the opening of this “terrible” bill:

    No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

    — Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute (20 U.S. Code § 1681

    * * * * * * *

    Given the toon, I presume Biden’s Administration has ruled against one or another form of discrimination, probably against some gay kid, and that’s set Beckom off.

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  2. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  12 months ago

    More transphobia

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Fascists are afraid that if people are free they won’t vote for right wing dictators.

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  4. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member 12 months ago

    Tell us WHY, Bekom. Why would the Biden administration destroy Title IX? What would be the purpose? What would they get out of it?

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Why Conservatives Are Losing Their Minds Over Biden’s Pride Flag—and Ignoring Pro-DeSantis Neo-Nazis

    Some on the political right see only authoritarian goals in the power of the state.

    Saturday was a tale of two flags. One was flown at the White House: a rainbow Pride flag, specifically the trans- and racially inclusive “Progress” variation. “Today, the People’s House—your house—sends a clear message to the country and to the world,” President Biden tweeted, alongside an image of the flag hanging from the south portico. “America is a nation of pride.” The other one was held aloft—or rather, several of them were—in a small demonstration outside the entrance to Disney World in Orlando, Florida: the Nazi swastika. Some of the demonstrators were reportedly with the neo-Nazi group National Socialist Movement, and they also held signs with anti-gay slurs that need not be reproduced here.

    You don’t have to guess which flag the leading right-wing sycophants were up in arms about.

    Rarely is the anti-LGBTQ crisis illustrated so clearly, where queer and trans people are being scapegoated and demonized by Republican officeholders and would-be stormtroopers alike. But there was a third flag of note on Saturday: A “DeSantis 2024” flag flew alongside the swastikas. That was no coincidence. DeSantis, more than any other Republican official today, stands for wielding the power of the state to enforce heterosexuality and eradicate transgender people.


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  6. Marx lennon
    charliekane  12 months ago

    I hear somethin’s been doin’ with the FG . . .

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  7. Freeradical
    Free Radical  12 months ago

    Your fear of queer is quite a telling tale

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member 12 months ago

    Christians are being forced to learn they don’t get to argue against the basic human rights of others.

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  9. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    GOP’s Ron Johnson forced to admit ‘we don’t know’ if Biden tapes actually exist

    Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) was forced to admit that evidence proving President Joe Biden’s corruption may not actually exist.An FBI informant allegedly told investigators that a Ukrainian oligarch claimed to have 17 recordings of the president and his son Hunter Biden that could prove bribery allegations, according to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

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  10. Am  flag
    Geezer  12 months ago

    Mediocre male athletes pretend to be female so they can compete against females.

    It’s sad that some men think winning is more important than sportsmanship. It’s shameful that they are allowed to get away with it.

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  11. Trumpafix
    zerorest  12 months ago

    You have lost your way.

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  12. Missing large
    Conservative Man  12 months ago

    No they have ruled against all women

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