Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for June 06, 2012

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    t1warren  about 12 years ago

    Then don’t turn the page, see above comment!

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    BillyJL  about 12 years ago

    If he’s that way by looking at a magazine, let’s hope he never sees a video in a store or those infomercials on TV. God forbid he ever try to do any exercise.


    Our bud has been in surgery since 6:30 a.m. As Susan said, Aaron needs a total hip replacement. The long surgery overnight Sunday/Monday was to remove the small jigsaw puzzle pieces of his bones and to repair nerve damage.


    Aaron reminded me last night about his mantra. Some of you know it as well as I do. The future isn’t where my life is; it’s in the moments I’m in. He told me to remember that and to remind you all so you won’t worry. Believe Aaron and believe his profound words. Gabe thanks you all as well. He and Aaron have been shift partners for seven years so he lives Aaron’s words. He’s going home tomorrow instead of today so he’s here when Aaron is brought back. Both will be out of work all summer. Mom and Dad are coming today to be here for Aaron’s rehab.


    I’m pleased we’re such a good family together. All of you, all of your good wishes and frustrations — thanks for the former and relax on the latter. Sadly, no word on the hit and run. Not enough witnesses at 3:00 a.m. on Sunday/Monday to help. It doesn’t matter. They’ll live with what they did. If they’re sleeping less than I am (and I’m sleeping very poorly) it’s justice enough — for now.

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    serenasakitty  about 12 years ago

    ((((((((((Aaron)))))))))))))))) and ((((((((((((((((((Gabe))))))))))))))

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    lightenup Premium Member about 12 years ago

    It’s all in your head, Irving! Those magazines are supposed to be inspirational and encouraging, but if they’re not working for you, then take Susan’s advice and throw them away!Good morning, Susan, Billy and serenasakitty! Thanks for the update, Billy. I’m pretty sure that Aaron will be fine mentally – he’s tougher than most that way. He’ll just be the Bionic Man soon with all of these replacement parts. :-)Hugs to all 3 of you guys, Billy, Aaron and Gabe!!Hello to GsMom, rgcviper,, hendelca, Mona, serenasakitty, kittycatpawsare, gmforde, soonergal, lippyfish, Mai Tai, Willi Nilli, legaleagle and all the other Cathy nuts rolling around here today!@ Willi Nilli – So good to hear from you so much recently!! Hugs to you too!

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    mollie05  about 12 years ago

    I guess Irving will have to get his nose out of the magazine, throw on some running shoes and get out the door and exercise like the rest of us!! Hi to all the Cathy nuts today and also thoughts and prayers for Aaron and Gabe.

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    jbarnes  about 12 years ago

    “The best exercise is throwing out that damned magazine!”That’s what I did with all the parenting magazines three months after my first child was born. The attempt to be a ‘perfect’ parent was driving me nuts, especially since the advice regularly contradicted itself. I found trusting my gut to be a much better approach.

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    hendelca Premium Member about 12 years ago

    This is the second day in a row where I read to the end of the comments and realized I had not yet read the strip! Not a good sign… Health magazines have the same effect on my wife. Still have not convinced her the best thing for her health is to throw away the magazines.

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    Gretchen's Mom  about 12 years ago

    Susan: I’m with you on this one . . . Irving should just throw out the damned magazine!!!!! Why keep reading something that makes you feel bad about yourself?!?!?!


    Love, hugs, kisses and many heartfelt prayers, Aaron! Please get better soon!!!!! I miss you and I’m thinking about you!


    Dr. Billy: Thanks so much for keeping us updated on Aaron. All his “Cathy” friends are praying for him and wishing him the speediest of recoveries. Glad to hear Gabe is getting to go home . . . just wish Aaron could too. I’m also glad to hear your parents are coming for the rehab. Went through 2 hip replacements with my mother-in-law before she passed away almost 9 years ago so I know from that experience that you can never have too much love and support at a time like this! B/t/w: have you smuggled LMB into the hospital to see Aaron and Gabe again lately?!?!? ;-)


    Willi Nilli: In response to your comment to me yesterday . . . Aaron was my first friend here about a year ago so he’s very, very special to me! He’s so kind, so sweet and so funny . . . and he just has the most amazingly positive attitude of anyone I’ve ever “met” despite all the tough times he’s had over the course of his young life! My heart is absolutely broken at what’s happened to him!!!!! :-(


    Hi to all my “Cathy” friends here! I’m completely worn out from a long day doing yard work today so I think I’ll just leave it at that for now. “See” you all again tomorrow.

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    BillyJL  about 12 years ago

    Quick check-in: Aaron is in recovery and sedated for the night. I’m heading for home. LMB has been babysitting Gram and Grampy. More in the a.m. once our bud is awake. :-)

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    rgcviper  about 12 years ago

    Yeah … if I were Cathy in this strip, I’d just close the magazine—if not toss it altogether.

    Thank you for the continued updates, Billy. Aaron and Gabe, you’re in my thoughts daily, and I wish you all the best in your recoveries. We’re all behind you guys 110%.

    Hello to everyone else as well.

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  11. Cathy aack Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Hi to all the other Cathyites!! Why would Irving have thought he looked pretty good?!! Lose the weight and end the griping. Also next time TRY…….THE……SUIT…….ON!!!!!

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    kittycatpawsare  about 12 years ago

    Hi to all us Cathy nuts A.M. P.M. Hi Billy hope Aaron gets better real soon miss you.Aaron you are just so good and kind and so are you Billy best wishes for both of you.Hey LMB

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