Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for January 02, 2012

  1. Hacking dog original
    J Short  over 12 years ago

    Party has gone to the dogs.

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  2. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago

    And Cathy. Irving’s the only one who is watching the game. LOL!Good morning, JanuAaronry (love the name! :-))! Glad you and Billy made it back safely. It was odd not to get a post from you until late.Hello to Susan, GsMom, gmforde, rgcviper,, Mai Tai and of course KFG who is hopefully enjoying some time off!! Hope you’re having a great second day of the year!

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  3. Tvman
    gmforde  over 12 years ago

    This is what happens at a friend’s house. They have two dogs, sized just like the dogs in the strip. They’ll beg for food the entire time or compete for the droppings. Cathy has two “sweepers” ready to go. lol

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  4. Frankenaaron
    NE1956  over 12 years ago

    Three of 4 are looking over the food offering to the thigh and hips gods. (Note Cathy’s eyes). Since Billy is Italian, we put out a good classic Italian spread for NCAA March Madness and even World Cup Soccer. Neither of us are big into football. Men falling down. Meh.


    Announcing, ta ta ta da, my return to work tonight, for the first time in over a month. Rah! :-D


    Hello lookingup careful you don’t get a crick in your neck. (I wonder if I beat KFG to that). Hi Susan Billy was the one to come up with our names, stone cold sober too. :-D Afternoon Mom! looking forward to your arrival again. Hellow fellow Cathyites far and wide.

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  5. 8487d5805da9012ee3bf00163e41dd5bfunny
    summerdog86  over 12 years ago

    Ack! Cathy’s hair is reddish blonde! Who"s the cartoon colorist that peroxided her hair today?

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  6. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  over 12 years ago

    Does today’s color comic strip mean we don’t have to read these in black and white anymore?!?!?! If so . . . yea!!!!!


    Good afternoon, JanuAarony, JanGnuary Billy, lookingup, K.F.G., Susan, rgcviper, gmforde, and all the rest of the Cathy fanatics joining us here today. As always, good to “see” you all! It’s been a busy few days for me, which is why I haven’t been online at all since Friday and tomorrow my Christmas tree and all the other decorations come down so I already know I won’t be back until Wednesday at the earliest. As always, I’ll miss you guys until I’m able to join you here again!

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  7. Images
    BillyJL  over 12 years ago

    Awww it’s no fun if we can’t roll our eyes at Cathy. I had some good material saved up all day. Now I can’t use it. Oh pooh.


    LOL lookingup I see Aaron didn’t touch your line with a 10-foot pole. Everyone at work today was wider than usual and eating salads. This is why I coach kids in basketball and soccer—keeping my manly figure manly.


    Friend Aaron was in 7th Heaven going back to work tonight. Still blind, but he has been for 18 months. He (and I, of course) live in hope. But only in our moments. The rest is fluff.

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  8. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  over 12 years ago

    Y’know, I didn’t even notice the change to colored daily reruns until I read the comments. Woo-hoo—great move, GoComics!.Happy New Year to all the “Cathy” fans.

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  9. 00160008
    Koolfunkygrrl  over 12 years ago

    Now I want snack food too!…darn you Cathy!!…LOL….yes Aaron you beat me to it..slept in until 11am today, was nice…..good luck on your first day back to work, hope it’s not too busy :)…Hello to Billy, Lightenup, Gretch’s ma, Susan and the rest of the Cathy nuts….btw Lookinup, I think Aaron meant that we live all over North America…….at least thats what I’m hoping he

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