Nick Anderson for May 12, 2023

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    randyy41  about 1 year ago

    This should apply to both the Republicans and the Democrats.

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    ncorgbl  about 1 year ago

    The Republican caucus would just lie about that too.

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    Masterskrain Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Is the driveway at Mar-A-Lardo big enough to handle THAT MANY buses??

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    erik_blank  about 1 year ago

    So, they should be bussed to the corporate offices of the US companies that started the whole Banana Republics and their democratically elected governments? Sounds good, but I think that the immigrants would just end up as slave labor to these companies again..

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    Al Fresco  about 1 year ago

    Agreed. In the meantime, enforce the laws on the books Congress Has already enacted.

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    dalton9529  about 1 year ago

    There are three factions that have principles that they refuse to compromise on.

    1. The Democrats demand that the immigrants and asylum seekers be treated legally and humanely.

    2. The Republicans demand that immigrants apply legally. Then they vote to defund the legal immigration apparatus and approve abusing and killing the immigrants that break the rules.

    3. The Chamber of Commerce want profits. Illegal labor is much more profitable than legal labor. The foreign skilled labor tends to work harder and cheaper than home grown labor. The unskilled labor is doing jobs home grown Americans refuse to or can’t do. The corporations don’t want their taxes increased to finance a proper immigration system.

    International corporations don’t want to admit their role in the global economy that is creating the disfunction that is driving the refugees all over the world. That includes but not limited to the pollution creating climate change. For example, the Syrian civil war started when drought drove hungry farmers into the cities.

    Everyone on the planet is interconnected, whether we like it or not.

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  7. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member about 1 year ago

    The QOP isn’t rational. They don’t make this connection. All they want is sound bites to stir up their voters, when at the same time they and their cronies hire undocumented people to work for them, the cheapskates.

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member about 1 year ago

    True, very true. First by exploiting them, educating their military at the College of the Americas, and our stupid drug war.

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    Jack7528  about 1 year ago

    And Biden!

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    shelbydiane  about 1 year ago

    and they should go after the people who hire them. The 1986 law that goes after the companies has never been used.

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    Zebrastripes  about 1 year ago

    GOP act like immigration problems are the fault of Dems, when in fact, this has been on on going happening for DECADES! You idiots!

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    Conservative Man  about 1 year ago

    This strictly a dumocrat Biden problem, he opened the boarder and put an idiot in charge to do nothing.

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