Kevin Kallaugher by KAL for February 02, 2023

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    ROSTERM3  over 1 year ago

    Now, if only the GOP could propose a balanced budget that doesn’t cut social security or welfare…

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    gigagrouch  over 1 year ago

    If only the GOP hadn’t passed that big tax gift under TFG…

    But never mind that! Look at that laptop! SQIRREL!!!!

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    sabo.louis Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Does this have something to do with that Tennessee adage, “When you are in a hole, STOP digging.” Or something like that. Has anyone else ever heard that one?

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    ShadowMaster  over 1 year ago

    To the Government. a “balanced budget” is a sword of Damocles

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Development and improvements to infrastructure are LONG overdue; bridges falling down, lack of public transportation, lack of high-speed rail. This must include maintenance plans because those are often forgotten because they’re “boring”. Broadband needs to be expanded into EVERY area, including rural, just like electricity was when it was “new”. Climate change needs to be addressed, the increasing horrendous storms cost far more than developing renewable energy, research into sources that don’t require rare minerals, and regulations to improve buildings to withstand storms.

    As with any budget, when debt becomes a concern, it can be addressed by bringing in more money or cutting spending or a combination of the two. Cutting taxes on the wealthy in the Trump / Repubs tax bill of 2017 resulted in CEOs buying back their stock and NOT investing in employees or their company; this is exactly what they said they would do. This put the U.S. in a more precarious situation when the pandemic hit because of supply chain issues among other things. Trump wanted a cap on property tax deductions because that would hurt blue states that use that money to pay for education. But they added deduction for companies to buy or lease private planes. Ron Johnson of WI insisted on a special tax break for pass-thru corporations for his top donors before he’d sign the bill.

    Cut the military budget – stop building tanks that go directly to storage, don’t build jets that are beyond current technology and end up never working correctly, and stop using “cost plus” contracts that allow contractors to state their cost and add profit with no incentive to control any costs. Thoroughly audit contracts before and after work is completed – there have been several instances of someone getting a contract that had previous problems even including criminal behavior. Audit the Pentagon (what did happen to that $2.3 TRILLION that Rumsfeld announced was missing on Sept. 10, 2001?).

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    Retrac Premium Member over 1 year ago

    The first rule when you find yourself in a hole: Stop digging.

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    preacherman  over 1 year ago

    So, Repubs are calling for cuts in Social Security and Medicare. But, most of the money to pay for all this comes from the taxes of those who benefit from them. The wealthy don’t need it, but government has set up laws that will really benefit them. This waste is where there the real cuts should come from.

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    Rich Douglas  about 1 year ago

    Try raising taxes.

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    Grandma Lea  about 1 year ago

    they need to cut their benefits, how many billions would we save? Takr greene cries about her pay, they should not receive pay unless they do their jobs, and not continually attack democrats.

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