Lisa Benson for January 17, 2023

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    ibFrank  over 1 year ago

    At least he turning it in and not trying to keep or sell it.

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    dotbup  over 1 year ago

    Merrick Garland is a genius:

    He appointed a Special Counsel to investigate President Biden because he knows Biden is innocent.

    He appointed a Special Counsel to investigate Donald Trump because he knows Trump is guilty.

    Republicans will be flummoxed.

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    brwydave Premium Member over 1 year ago

    I suspect that Joe’s lawyers wear business suits when handing over their finds, not a trench coat, nor do they look like spies or are endanger of being disbarred.

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    The Dem Veteran   over 1 year ago

    EXACTLY It’s the Same as Trump……

    Except Biden:

    Didn’t claim to own itDidn’t deny that he had themDidn’t force his lawyers to say that the documents didn’t exist Didn’t claim the documents were planted by the FBI

    Gave them to the National Archives without have to result to a court order and a raid

    Just like……. Trump???

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    BB71  over 1 year ago

    Why are the democrats finding classified documents NOW? They could have ignored them and nobody would have known.

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    Another Take  over 1 year ago

    The White House needs a better Library Lady. If she wasn’t 95 years old, I’d recommend the one at my old High School. She would track you down, smack a fifty cent fine out of you and take back the book one day past its due date.

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    Bongo1  over 1 year ago

    this is a nothing burger……BRANDON 2024…….BRANDON 2024…….BRANDON 2024…………………………..

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    braindead Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Just one more issue for Republicans to weaponize and LIE about.

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    EdSanchez  over 1 year ago

    Biden is not just blazingly stupid….but also now guilty of criminal acts.

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    ldmulvaney73  over 1 year ago

    I see we have another deluded person posting misrepresentations and trying to equate joe with donny.

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    cdbro  over 1 year ago

    August 10, 2022FBI “Had Personal Stake” in Mar-a-Lago Raid – Agents Were After Spygate Documents Trump Was Holding That Likely Implicated FBI

    Twitter has suspended journalist Paul Sperry after he made several tweets about this week’s FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence, where they spent up to 9 hours rifling through the former president’s private office, Melania Trump’s wardrobe, and eventually took 12 boxes of material…

    Sperry: “DEVELOPING: Investigators reportedly met back in June w Trump & his lawyers in Mar-a-Lago storage rm to survey docs & things seemed copasetic but then FBI raids weeks later. Speculation on Hill FBI had PERSONAL stake & searching for classified docs related to its #Spygate scandal.”

    Conflicted DOJ officials briefed on the raid: Nicholas McQuaid – worked with Hunter Biden’s and Michael Sussmans’s criminal attorneysLisa Monaco – Obama aide implicated in RussiagateMaggie Goodlander – wife of top Biden aide, Jake Sullivan, implicated in Russiagate

    He also tweeted: “Funny, don’t remember the FBI raiding Chappaqua or Whitehaven to find the 33,000 potentially classified documents Hillary Clinton deleted,” adding “And she was just a former secretary of state, not a former president.”

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    cdbro  over 1 year ago

    Bombshell: Biden White House facilitated DOJ criminal probe leading to Mar-a-Lago raid…August 23, 2022 (5mo ago)

    Long before it professed no prior knowledge of the raid on Donald Trump’s estate, the Biden White House worked directly with the Justice Department and National Archives to instigate the criminal probe into alleged mishandling of documents, allowing the FBI to review evidence retrieved from Mar-a-Lago this spring and eliminating the 45th president’s claims to executive privilege, according to contemporaneous government documents reviewed by Just the News

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    DC Swamp  over 1 year ago

    It’s fun to watch all these armchair quarterbacks. Maybe you should advise Tom Brady on what to do next season!

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    cdbro  over 1 year ago

    As shown in prior administrations, presidents have long chafed over the PRA’s limitations and required disclosures.

    Records violations involving both presidential and non-presidential material are common, however. Those laws were raised with regard to former FBI Director James Comey removing FBI material and then leaking information to the press, yet he was not prosecuted.

    In the case of President Clinton’s former national security adviser, Sandy Berger, the violations involved stuffing classified material into his pants and socks to remove them from the Archives and to retrieve them later. Berger was allowed to plead to a misdemeanor, given two years’ probation and a three-year suspension — not a permanent revocation — of his security clearance.

    Former CIA director and retired four-star Army general David Petraeus was accused of giving access to classified information to his alleged lover. Although prosecutors reportedly wanted to file serious felony charges, Petraeus also was given a generous plea deal without jail time.-The Hill

    Joek will clearly not be criminally charged, unless this is how dims dump him; while the Mar-a-Lago raid will be headline news anytime a distraction is needed and surely felony charges will be brought forth before the 2024 race. We all know the playbook and we are tired of the plot.

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    Bill.Franklin  over 1 year ago

    The double (and triple) standards of the Democrats is sad. A vice president cannot declassify documents. A president can. Putting classified documents within reach of potential enemies (the Chinese) is despicable but Democrats don’t seem to care about that.

    Ever wonder how Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Castro remained in power? Their supporters were liberals.

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    da_villa  over 1 year ago

    Can’t wait to see what Bumbling Biden loses next! His marbles? No, too late for that!

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    grange Premium Member over 1 year ago

    I’m guessing that the national archives is going to be fairly busy receiving forgotten documents from offices all over the country.

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    Interventor12  over 1 year ago

    Trump is guilty of what? Giving Democrats nightmares and driving them to drink, more?

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Sorry, the only persons flummoxed are Merrick Garland and old Joe Biden!

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    cdbro  over 1 year ago

    “It is on its face preposterous that introducing the FBI at an early stage would preclude getting tougher — resorting to a search warrant, for example — down the road,” he told me. “Not only is that common sense; we know it from experience: The Justice Department sent FBI agents along with a DOJ official to Mar-a-Lago in early June 2022 to retrieve documents with classification markings. That in no way prevented the Justice Department from ‘taking a tougher line’ by executing a search warrant two months later.”

    When documents of a highly classified nature have been mishandled for six years, the Justice Department ought to take extra steps to ensure everything is handled properly. Surely FBI agents or top department officials with proper security clearance should have been on the scene as the search resumed.

    The department should have felt thrice compelled to provide oversight for considerations of law, national security, and, not at all least, the need to maintain public confidence.

    Already, and as McCarthy has noted at length, the Justice Department has handled the security transgressions of Trump and of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in wildly divergent ways, with the latter treated with kid gloves while Trump is under a prosecutorial microscope. For the department to pivot again to a position of “trust now, and blithely hope we can verify later” is yet another example of giving top Democrats a benefit of doubt that Republicans don’t enjoy.

    Moreover, the Clinton-Biden-Trump imbroglios are far from isolated examples of extreme Justice Department and FBI bias in favor of the political Left. In ways small and large, and as an internal FBI audit itself reported, the bureau has become a cesspool of bias and abuse. By now, any time it appears in any way to treat liberals more leniently than conservatives, it contributes to a growing public distrust of, and cynicism about, the entire edifices of U.S. law enforcement and of the constitutional system itself.

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    Ricky Bennett  over 1 year ago

    Don’t forget about Above Top Secret, Eyes Only, and Cosmic Secret!

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