Robbie and Bobby by Jason Poland for September 06, 2022

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    Ed The Red Premium Member over 1 year ago

    A party of adventurers is going through a dungeon when they come to two doors with two men standing in front of them. The two men say in unison. “One of us always tells the truth and one always lies. You may ask us one question to figure out which is the right door.”

    The party members look to the Wizard to figure out the riddle, but the Barbarian says, “I got this.”

    The Elf, Thief, etc. start to smile, but the Barbarian pulls out his axe and hacks down one of the two men. He turns to the other now terrified man and says, “Now you’re gonna tell me what’s the right door or I’ll kill you like I did that other guy. And you’re going in first. If anything looks like it’s going wrong, I’ll hack your head off right then. So which door is it?”

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