ViewsBusiness by Cartoon Movement-US for July 17, 2022

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 2 years ago

    The definition of inflation is a rise in the cost of goods and services. However the obvious corollary is that the value of the inflated currency drops as compared to other currencies. Think of them as being something you buy, for which you must pay a bit more.

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  2. Badass uncle sam
    hawgowar  almost 2 years ago

    Just shows why the US dollar is the reserve currency of choice. We have the gold and the market reserves, even during a recession, to hold things steady. The oil bourses will retain the dollar as any other currency fluctuates even more. I never trusted bitcoin and the other made up currencies. Some say they are a hedge. I prefer gold and greenbacks.

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  3. Img 1754  2
    GiantShetlandPony  almost 2 years ago

    Actually, the strong dollar is going to make an upcoming trip to the UK much cheaper than it usually is for me. That said, it makes Brits trips to the States a bit more expensive than it usually is. Eventually, things will balance again. It’s the nature of the beast.

    Panic does no one any good.

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  4. Yin yang
    Havel  almost 2 years ago

    So, does Biden get credit? I’ve always thought that presidents rarely have direct impact on the ups and downs of the business cycle, but fair is fair, right?

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