ViewsAmerica by Cartoon Movement-US for March 16, 2022

  1. Fbab547a f046 46c4 98b5 08cf0dc801d6
    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member about 2 years ago


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  2. Rick and morty 91d86486 2737 4e8f a1ca 8e1b1ed1070d
    sevaar777  about 2 years ago

    Kinda tired of the local talibanicals claiming that this is the end times, and Vlad the butcher will help bring back Jaysus while cleansing the world of LGBT folks. Yes, they are just that insane.

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  3. Photo 1501706362039 c06b2d715385
    Zebrastripes  about 2 years ago

    Watched FRONTLINE LAST NIGHT …TWO SPECIALS…ABOUT the history and life of POOtin and his ambition to build an EMPIRE! and rebuild .Russia to its former glory! (UGH) I want to vomit at how he killed anyone who got in his way and anyone who disagreed was either murdered, or poisoned! Everyone was a threat to him, he killed his own people…..he’s an evil madman on a mission…it’s worth your while to understand how it all began….PBS….FRONTLINE

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  4. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 2 years ago

    Covid spreading Putin loving Republicans are running a close second.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member about 2 years ago

    I have NEVER understood how a person’s “sexual orientation” threatens anyone anywhere at any time.

    If you happen to have a “Leader” or even a neighbor who enjoys an alternative “lifestyle” he or she should be MORE accepting oy your own, not less, and I would think that would be a good thing, not a bad thing.

    And to those who say that alternative lifestyles go against “God’s word”, let me remind you that the Torah, the Bible AND the Koran were ALL authored by humans, not by any multi-dimensional space alien called “Yahweh”, “God” or "Allah’.

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