Ted Rall for September 03, 2009

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    wolfhoundblues1  over 14 years ago

    And how do you account for the 3rd breast?

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    AJLCAB  over 14 years ago

    Criteria for treating an illness without insurance is that you’ll be expected to pay in advance for the visit. Not the covered co-pay but all of it. You just won’t be turned away at the door like a homelss person in the street asking for change. Treatment for Swine Flu may be provided without insurance but it probably won’t be free? Also, I talked to my son’s doctor not more than a week ago and was told that there really isn’t a vaccine currently available. So, you’ll go to a doctor, be told you have Swine Flu, pay the doctor for the visit and then…..??

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    queen_of_the_world  over 14 years ago

    the third breast is cancer. they won’t notice it until she coughs off the other arm.

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  4. Vanilla ice cool as ice
    edmondd  over 14 years ago

    Ted, a bit off topic here but still, how come you never do any cartoons about Rush Limbaugh? Have you ever heard the guy speak? I dare you listen to him for a month.

    A lot of talk points you see on the media with those strange funny twists on the facts, such as the “Birthers”, or “socialized health care”, or that “only the rich pay taxes…86% of all federal taxes” (without taking into consideration that lower classes barely have disposable incomes and so in proportion lower classes may actually pay more in taxes) are given strength by–or maybe even born out of–his tenacious demagoguery; as incredible as it might seem, Rush is what has kept the far-Right (even the Right per se in a sense) alive and well.

    Do your homework Ted…

    Start catching up here: http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/today.guest.html

    Study him and have fun! And make some more $dough$ in the process.

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  5. Grimace
    Lt_Lanier  over 14 years ago

    The supernumerary nipple, ha! Porcine pox!!!

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    parkersinthehouse  over 14 years ago

    i just noticed that her severed arm is in her purse. ted, baby, get help.

    ºO U

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  7. Selfportrait2013
    Ted Rall creator over 14 years ago

    @Parkers: Of course! It’s not like she’s going to litter by leaving lying on the sidewalk.

    @Edmond: I hate (sorry) big fat targets. And Rush is a big fat target. Everyone already knows what Rush is. Why do they need Ted Rall to tell them what they already know? I like to focus on messages that not everybody already knows–like that the war against Afghanistan is even more unwinnable than the one against Iraq, or that Obama is a conservative.

    Far more difficult and therefore far more interesting.

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  8. Vanilla ice cool as ice
    edmondd  over 14 years ago

    Fair answer Ted, though still there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, buying into much of Rush’s twisted demagoguery, stifling any progressive movement and giving blunt force to atavistic ideologies and downright lies, such as the argument carried on by conservatives, that Obama has been pulled too much to the extreme left, and hence the abounding debacle on every issue according to them, muddling all political discourse on any critical matter, and actually influencing outcomes, as evident with the current fabricated controversy over health care reform.

    I think it’d be a good public service on your part going after the insidious influence of Rush, especially pointing out his stark hypocrisy, such as his crying wolf at the purported control of the internet by the government and the resulting infringement of the Bill of Rights and/or the Constitution having said nothing at all when supporting most –if not all– of the former administration’s policies without reserve–to cite just one example.

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    wiserd  over 14 years ago

    Elderberry extract has been shown to work as well or better than tamiflu at countering H1N1 (and with fewer side effets!). It binds to the viral capsid.

    see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19682714?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.PubmedResultsPanel.PubmedDefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum

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