Bob Gorrell for February 08, 2022

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 2 years ago

    Yup. Pretty much like here in some ways. There, it’s the government. Here, it’s some combo of local cops, Republigoons and the religious “right”. Though if we get another trumpski in ‘24 it’s likely to BECOME the government.

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  2. Missing large
    dotbup  over 2 years ago

    Is Mike Pence in Beijing?

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  3. Gradinggorrell 01
    GradingGorrell  over 2 years ago


    Another Olympic Rings cartoon:

    “The problem didn’t start in the 1990s, it started in the 1980s, when Ronald Reagan — a hero of the Trump administration — was president, and neoliberal economics were first making their mark on policy. Reagan and his ilk distrusted government and believed that the private sector could make the best decisions when left on its own. You’ve heard about this — it’s called laissez faire economics.

    This ideology ultimately led to the financialization of the US corporation — the process of putting shareholders first, often at the expense of workers and consumers — and its emergence as an actor that takes resources from the economy rather than creating them. This, combined with a government zeal for lowering taxes rather than spending, means no one — not the government, and not the private sector — is investing enough in America to keep the economy strong across social classes.

    In short: Government cuts and changes in how corporations operate mean American workers are getting screwed by their own government and their own employers.

    The world didn’t take America’s jobs, America let the world have them without investing in a path to new ones because politicians were more interested in tax cuts, and corporate America was more interested in short term gains."

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