Joe Heller for December 23, 2021

  1. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 2 years ago

    “My God; has it come to this?” …Edward G. Robinson

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    Kurtass Premium Member over 2 years ago

    “Are you furniture?”

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    B 8671  over 2 years ago

    It was a stupid movie! the ONBLY thing good about it was the late great Edward G. Robinson.

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    RAGs  over 2 years ago

    While the Q-publicans sing “Soylent Night”.

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    RonnieAThompson Premium Member over 2 years ago

    We’re doomed I tell you; the whole bloody lot of us!

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    Johnnyrico  over 2 years ago

    “Soylent Green is peeeeepoooooollle!”

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    Ironhold  over 2 years ago

    I have an assortment of canned goods, military rations, and bottled water handy in case of an emergency. It’s how I got through the power outage here in Texas in February.

    Instead of hoarding and rushing out, I forecast possible situations, make advanced preparations, and maintain what I regard as a plausible storage for what I’ll need.

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    loonygardener  over 2 years ago

    given that it was a SCIENCE FICTION story, and done in 1973, I thought the point was quite well taken. The book was written in 1966, Make Room! by Harry Harrison. Given that the science fictional book was set only 56 years ahead wasn’t the point. Think about what all was going on during those early years and had passed just a few decades previously. WWII, the atom bomb, we’d had a pandemic in the early 1900’s and a World War that the whole world thought was the War to End all wars. Civil unrest in America, the Korean war began, there was a LOT of shite going on. If you knew what his book was about when he wrote it, exploring the consequences of both unchecked population growth on society and the hoarding of resources by a wealthy minority, I’d say he was more insightful and was trying to warm people before it got out of hand. Remember, America used to “feed the world” because we had such a capability and resources to do it properly…. ah well, it DOES seem that mankind does tend to shite in his own nest…

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