Ted Rall for December 24, 2021

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 2 years ago

    I’ve never thought that absolute age is very good measure of… well… anything except your age. But it does have the advantage that it’s very simple, very quick, and not really subject to argument (well, not REASONABLY subject to argument anyway). Most situations have some flex about age, though. Ted’s picked three that mostly don’t. I do think you can enlist a year younger with parental permission. Used to be like that, anyway. But school things: Adjustable. Legal adult for some things? Adjustable. Drivers license? Adjustable.

    And yeah, tried as an adult: Possible. And quite possibly fair.

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    buer  over 2 years ago

    You’ll notice that of all of these age limits for driving, voting, owning a gun, joining the military, getting married, the one that requires you to be oldest is drinking. Weird sense of priorities.

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  3. Yin yang
    Havel  over 2 years ago

    I suggested to a friend one time that if a juvenile did a crime so heinous that it resulted in being tried as an adult and a potential life sentence, it should equal the individual’s age. If you’re 16 years old, the most you could be sentenced to would be 16 years and so on. It would be a “life” sentence.

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  4. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Ah, what a nice, sweet, soft world we Americans live in, where we can protect and coddle our youth.

    Panel 01-Children all over the world, right now, fight at much less than 15. It is nice that we can keep our children out of the military. But if there was a dire threat, we would use them. We did it before, we will do it again, if necessary. And there would be 15 year olds lining up to join.

    Panel 02-There are several states right now considering lowering the voting age to 16 for state/local elections. Build that civic responsibility at a young age!

    Panel 03-Many families allow underage youth to drink at home. Tomorrow there will be families giving their kids their first glass of wine to toast Christmas.

    Panel 04-There is a long established precedent of holding minors responsible for their actions. If a child commits a crime, they are accountable, no matter what. Each state has its own rules for judging to what degree a child is responsible.

    If the child demonstrates adult planning, adult thinking, adult comprehension of the right/wrongness or legal/illegality of the act, the question then becomes, do we try him as an adult. Does his behavior result in adult consequences.

    In this case the only answer is YES.

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  5. Missing large
    Odon Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Drafted at 18, sent to Viet Nam to kill for our country, return home and still can’t vote or legally drink a beer. Odd

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  6. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  over 2 years ago

    Cheery contemplations for the season. Merry Christmas, Theodore!

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  7. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The thirst for vengeance is strong in the U.S.

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    chiangfc  over 2 years ago

    It is Christmas Eve and for 3 families they will not be able to have dinner with their sons/daughters. A loss such as this will have lasting impact. 8 other people were also injured – what will be the long term complications for them. Some believe he is too young to be held responsible. I beg to differ. A 15yo can understand the difference between video games and real life. He knows there are laws against murder and he would face the harshest of punishment. I can understand if there were other extenuating circumstances such as severe mental health disorders or intellectual disability but not if its just based on age.

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  9. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Either the kid.. or the parents. One or the other needs to be held responsible if a crime is committed.

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    ChristopherBurns  over 2 years ago

    American “justice” has always been about deterrence and punishment, with little thought about rehabilitation. The idea that a 15 year old is capable of fully understanding the nature of the crime they commit flies against any understanding of child psychology. The belief that a 15 year old is beyond redemption is mean spirited and frankly, un-Christian. It’s the easy way out.

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  11. Witch4
    Bex Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Now it’s a hot button issue? Wonder why?



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  12. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 2 years ago

    Biologically you don’t become fully formed till you middle 20’s when the frontal lobe finishes forming.

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  13. Catinnabag2 50pct
    Màiri  over 2 years ago

    Happy Hols, all!

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  14. 2019 christmas sweatshirt vulcan
    rgawilkes  over 2 years ago

    Not to mention that a 15 year-old can be entrusted with an assault weapon, as the tragic events in Oxford, Michigan and other schools have demonstrated, to our sorrow

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  15. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Wonder how they will deal with the 4 teenagers that worked with a 19 year old to carjack at gunpoint Dem Rep. Scanlon in Philadelphia? Sorry but putting the blame totally on the 19 year old is totally stupid. This country is being gamed by the criminals because they know the “widdle kiddies” will be released back to their parents, if you can call them that. Turning 19 doesn’t magically turn you any smarter or mature then a 18 year old. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10340565/Psaki-says-Biden-called-Democratic-Rep-Mary-Gay-Scanlon-carjacked-gunpoint.html

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    Eclectic Wanderer  over 2 years ago

    Ted doesn’t get it. The Drinking Age is entirely arbitrary; every other nation has a lower drinking age than the US, but even Americans over the age of 25 can’t drink responsibly because they’re too immature.

    If the military doesn’t want young teenagers, then why do they inundate the high schools with propaganda to join the military.

    As for voting, if we’re going to restrict older teens from voting for “not being mature”, then we also need to cut off people over 70 for being senile, bitter and gullible.

    The young people of America are voting much wiser, and with much more foresight, than any other age group. That’s why the Republican Terrorist Party is always attacking young voters and their ability to vote.

    They want the old, fully-brainwashed, fully-indoctrinated, fully-demented old people to be the only ones who can vote because they’re so damned easy to fool

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