Boomerangs by Jack Pullan for June 22, 2021

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    RonnieAThompson Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    A got cha moment.

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    GeorgeReynolds1  almost 3 years ago

    She IS DATING Mark!!! She just got caught off guard and was lost in the conversation…

    Ginger is a typical American gold-digger!!! She only stays with a man until she can find someone better. In the meantime, she is dating SEVERAL men at once, Only the richest one is the one she is going to stay with. When he dies, she plans to live off of her late husband’s estate until the I.R.S. come after their share for taxes!

    These American spoiled brats have trashy attitudes and NO Gratitude for what they have in life!!! They act as if the world revolves around them, and that it owes them a better life!

    European women have much more humble and appreciation for life… They are much more rational, reasonable, understanding, tolerant and hard-working!

    This just goes to show how American culture has lost the traditional European values that the United States was founded upon…. WHAT A SHAME!!!!!

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