Walt Handelsman for May 17, 2021

  1. Bleach 170
    KenseidenXL  almost 3 years ago

    Maybe if Israel gave back all the land they’ve stolen since 1949….

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    FrankErnesto  almost 3 years ago

    All based on religious fanaticism. Rather than outlawing guns, outlaw preachers. Get better results.

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    piper_gilbert  almost 3 years ago

    Apartheid and ethnic cleansing are a nonstarter for some people I guess.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    I would suspect that the story of Israel/Palestine changes, depending on WHO’S telling the story – keep in mind that the “conflict” goes back to long before the time of Christ and at no time has the conflict been among “equals”!

    It’s sad that America, being a “Christian” state (which means they are a Jewish sect), tend to be supportive of Israel on the whole, and therefore finds it ‘uncomfortable’ to criticize Israel with any kind of force.

    It is doubly sad that Palestine doesn’t have enough sense to understand that having a terrorist group as the head of their nation state is not a good look, globally (of course, America, having just barely survived their OWN terrorist occupation, has little room to complain.)

    As an American aborigine, allow me to blame the colonial British. They occupied the area in question after the second world war, and decided the didn’t want the Jew that Hitler hadn’t managed to kill in THEIR country, in casting about for somewhere to shove them, decided that Palestine was the "perfect " spot for them – after all, that’s where they came from, originally!

    So that’s where the British (with American and other Allied help) shipped them off to – problem solved. No discussion; no accommodation with either side – just here you are and here you’ll be – bye now.

    The prevailing attitude on the part of everyone seems to be that, if we throw Arabs and Israelis together and just walk away, maybe they’ll kill each other off and solve the whole problem for us!

    Well, it hasn’t happened YET, and notice that, while the British have managed to stay out of the fray (pretty much), the American idiots can’t seem to keep their nose out of the whole Arab/Israeli mishegas!

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    onzerocs  almost 3 years ago

    Just dreaming here; have always wondered why nazi Germans (or nazi Austrians) weren’t made to pay for their atrocities by giving up some territory to the Jews in 1945. A lot more equitable than kicking Palestinians out of their land and homes. Jews living already there or those wanting to go and live there could have done just that peacefully alongside the Palestinians. Jews would have their uncontested country, Israel, in Europe and Palestinians would still live in Palestine… “What a wonderful world”.

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Interesting comments here and serious questions asked. First off, there has never been a nation or state of Palestine. The Romans renamed the area known as Israel in 138 AD to Palestine after they whupped up on the Jews over the Bar Kochba revolt. Going way back to the first name of that general area of land, “Canaan” might be familiar to most people. In biblical history Canaan was the son of Ham and was said to have fathered most of the people of that region. Now, for those who scoff at biblical references, the Armarna Letters of the 14th century BC also refers to the region of Canaan. There were literally dozens of tribes and peoples living in the region including Hebrews. The first major name change of that area came in the 13th century BC during the Hebrew exodus from Egypt and settled in Canaan and for the first time established a a nation in that region known as “Israel “ or literally “Land of Israel “. So now we come back full circle to the Romans renaming the region of the nation of Israel as Palestine. Now that region has always had Jews in residence but has traded hands of authority from many different nations over history. In fact, Jews fought side by side with Muslims against the English Crusaders. Over thousands of years there have been many different peoples, tribes, national dominations etc. but the one consistent people of that region have always been the Jews. The so called “Palestinians “ in this conflict are no more than Arab Muslims who never established a nation and resided with others such as Christians, Jews, Bedouins etc. There is a lot more concerning the complexity of the region, but bottom line, the Jews not only rightfully own the disputed lands of Israel but can make a rightful claim to other lands surrounding them. West Bank certainly.

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  7. Toughcat
    bakana  almost 3 years ago

    Not so long as People & Corporations are making Billions every year keeping it going.

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