Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for April 20, 2021

  1. Img 1754  2
    GiantShetlandPony  about 3 years ago

    Most of the riots in the State of Oregon had to do with Libertarians, not Liberals.

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    LookingGlass Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Once again, BADwyn does not know his O shiri from a hole in the ground!!


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    dotbup  about 3 years ago

    MON: mass shooting

    TUE: mass shooting

    WED: police shooting

    THU: mass shooting

    FRI: mass shooting, police shooting

    SAT: mass shooting

    SUN: police shooting

    REPUGS: we gotta do something about all this rioting!

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    brwydave Premium Member about 3 years ago

    I compliment Al on his version of our state flag, the covered wagon and asked sea gull is far more distinctive than that stupid beaver, although I would substitute a duck for the beaver.

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 3 years ago

    Insider: Trump supporters should be afraid of ‘flipped’ Capitol rioter’s guilty plea

    Heavy metal musician Jon Ryan Schaffer, a “founding lifetime member” of the paramilitary Oath Keepers organization, agreed to cooperate with investigators as part of his guilty plea, which was then accidentally made visible on the federal court’s online records system, wrote former FBI official Frank Figliuzzi in a column for MSNBC.

    “That means a long-time Oath Keepers veteran has been ‘flipped,’” Figliuzzi wrote. “This only happens when prosecutors care more about the information a defendant can provide than about nailing him with a maximum sentence. There are at least three reasons why this guilty plea, in this investigation, from this defendant, may become the gift that keeps on giving as prosecutors seek to hold accountable those responsible for the attack on our democracy.”

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  6. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 3 years ago

    ‘60 Minutes’ faces pushback for giving Oath Keepers a platform to push lies

    The exposé from “60 Minutes” correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi highlighted the Oath Keepers’ role in organizing the Jan. 6 riot while also highlighting the apparent split between the largest chapter of the Oath Keepers and the group’s founder, Stewart Rhodes, who launched the organization in March of 2009.

    Within the segment, one Oath Keepers member in Arizona, Jim Arroyo, told Alfonsi that the group works closely with law enforcement, since many of the paramilitary organization members are former police officers or ex-military personnel. “Our guys are very experienced. We have active-duty law enforcement in our organization that are helping to train us. We can blend in with our law enforcement, and in fact, in a lot of cases, our training is much more advanced because of our military backgrounds.” Arroyo declared during the segment.

    Al always avoids the real news so he can push his right wing agenda.

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 3 years ago

    Auburn-area Proud Boy leader ordered detained again pending trial on Capitol attack

    “The defendants stand charged with crimes to steal one of the crown jewels of our country in a sense — the peaceful transfer of power,” said Kelly, when ruling on the Justice Department’s motions before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

    “In the end, the evidence is overwhelming that Nordean and Biggs had a plan that day,” Kelly added. “In my view, the weight of the evidence is strong enough in favor of detention.”

    Both Nordean, 30, and Biggs, 37, of Florida, have pleaded not guilty.

    Both men were widely captured in photos and video leading scores of Proud Boys and other pro-Donald Trump protesters on a march to the Capitol just before it was breached and ransacked on Jan. 6. Nordean, Biggs and two others — Zachary Rehl of Pennsylvania and Charles Donohoe of North Carolina — since have been accused as ringleaders of the siege that interrupted Congress’ certification of Joe Biden’s presidential victory.

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  8. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 3 years ago

    Idaho lawmakers take aim at Ammon Bundy’s goon squads: ‘We shouldn’t have to legislate this behavior’

    A bipartisan pair of Idaho lawmakers are co-sponsoring legislation aimed at right-wing activist Ammon Bundy’s “intimidation” tactics against elected officials.

    State Rep. Greg Chaney (R-Caldwell) signed on as co-sponsor of House Bill 195 to prohibit targeted protests outside a person’s home with intent to harass, annoy or alarm, and shortly afterward pitchfork-and-torch-wielding demonstrators hung him in effigy outside his family’s home, reported the Idaho Statesman.

    “It didn’t bother me for my sake, it bothered me to see the unrest in my wife and my kids,” Chaney said. “My wife is tough. She always has my back, and I have hers. But it did create a sense of insecurity in our home. It lingered for — it still lingers if you talk to her — but it was palpable for a couple of weeks after.”

    The anti-lockdown protests continued throughout the year at the homes of public officials who backed measures to slow the spread of the deadly coronavirus, and Green and Chaney decided legislative action was needed.

    “Nothing was more resonant than seeing the kids becoming victims in their home because of parents doing their jobs,” Green said.

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  9. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 3 years ago

    FBI claims Capitol riot wasn’t planned in advance – but there’s a big problem with that

    Social media posts and other online evidence point to advance planning for the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, but federal investigators failed to act on those threats ahead of time or cite them in their prosecutions.

    Numerous internet postings suggest otherwise, reported NBC News.

    “This information, sitting in plain sight on the internet before Jan. 6, paints a clear picture of a planned and coordinated violent attack,” said Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) in a statement. “It’s important to understand how much of this the FBI and DOJ knew, when they knew it, and how they decided which pieces of information warranted action.”

    A new report from a private research group and an independent review by NBC News found hundreds of social media posts discussing plans to stampede the Capitol, overwhelm Capitol police and block lawmakers from certifying Joe Biden’s election win.

    “You know there will be riot police preventing us from getting in the capitol building,” wrote one anonymous poster in December. “What if we created a stampede/crush situation? Start pushing from the back. Surely they will have to get out of the way or get crushed. They’re not going to start shooting people.”

    Another post from now-defunct forum outlined plans to “occupy” the Capitol, “OVERWHELM THE BARRICADE AND COPS” and stop the certification vote.

    “There are thousands of posts — with tens of thousands of comments — detailing plans to travel to Washington and engage in violence against the U.S. Capitol,” said Daniel Jones, a former FBI analyst and Senate investigator who is now president of Advance Democracy, which gathered the material. “The ultimate end goal of this violence was, on behalf of Trump, to disrupt the Congress and overturn the presidential election.”

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  10. Fighting irish hood auto decal 2000x
    ndblackirish97  about 3 years ago

    Are the riots mentioned here associated to the latest police shooting? Cause the victim was a White male in his 30s…so…who is doing the rioting? BLM? WLM? White Liberals? AntiFa? White Libertarians? A vigil was planned for victims Toledo and Wright that same day. Seems like some criminal opportunists couldn’t wait to use a peaceful assembly to commit violent crimes.

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  11. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  about 3 years ago

    When it’s “your side” doing it, it’s “peaceful protests”. When it’s the other side, it’s “riots”. I feel pretty much the same way — well, the opposite way from ol’ Al — about such things. But despite his completely out of scale depiction, it’s clear to me from up moderately close and pretty nearly impersonal, that the city of Portland (not the whole state) has a problem with folks who have found out they like to demonstrate and light fires. Not even close to all of them are residents, by the way. My acquaintances from the area comment variously, but average out to “everybody knows what part of downtown to avoid, but BOY are we getting tired of it!”

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  12. Boyknifeoutlet
    Retired engineer  about 3 years ago

    In the meantime, the murder rate in Oregon is less than half what it is in most red states. As a resident of Oregon, I, too, am sick of these small bands of anarchist smashing windows in places like the Oregon historical society, churches and restaurants. However, since their aim is to destroy all government, please don’t try to tell me they represent all those “big government liberals”.

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  13. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 3 years ago

    Having lived in the NW my whole life the rumor is that Oregon was founded by a bunch of right wing native American killers. That group is having some arguments with the ‘woke’ generation. Conservatives refuse to let the USA advance.

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