Joe Heller for March 23, 2021

  1. F 4
    VT8/VF84  about 3 years ago

    Hate to say this but Congress, would not enact legislation to prevent these random murders, even if a member of their own family was a victim. Their fear is losing their positions. Not what is better for the country.

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    RAGs  about 3 years ago

    Unfortunately, some want to go back to feudal, medieval Europe “normal”.

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    grumpypophobart  about 3 years ago

    Been a long time now since the USA was anything at all resembling ‘normal’.

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    ferddo  about 3 years ago

    We’re in pretty big trouble if we begin thinking that mass shootings are “normal”…

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 3 years ago

    90% of Americans want universal background checks, republicans block it. The tyranny of the minority. Why does the majority lose in a democracy?

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    JeanMeslier  about 3 years ago

    Congress woman Gabby Giffords survived a mass shooting and assassination attempt. She was shot in the head at close range. She went from a gun control moderate to fervent advocate. Gee, I wonder why? Sarah Palin’s people had just published a poster with crosshairs on Giffords’ electoral district which included a picture of Giffords. Of course SP had nothing to do with it. Why are so many shootings traceable to the Republican party in some way?

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    FrankErnesto  about 3 years ago

    We could do better, but it probably won’t happen. Maybe if the very rich were the victims, rather than children, and innocent people all over the country. This is not a suggestion, just a fact.

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