Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for April 21, 2021

  1. Celtic knot
    Dkram  about 3 years ago

    Hi there Vagabonds

    Snow on the ground, again. A light coating, but, Gary’s prediction calls for 3-6” in higher elevations and maybe in some of the lower ones. I thought April was suppose to bring showers? Any who, currently 34 and going all the way up to 37. Cloudy with snow. (0.o)

    Cool Clear Water, water.

    I like the “Sons of the Pioneers.” long gone now but not forgotten. I saw the “Sons of the Pioneers” at the Orleans County Fair in Barton, VT, must have been the mid 70s, I don’t know how many of them might have been Sons of the Sons of the Pioneers. Lets just say, good music.

    The satellite just blitzed out due to the storm, I’m just a little POed.

    I hope your day is better that mine (weather wise) and may the Lord travel with you as you go.


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  2. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  about 3 years ago

    Good Sunny morn, Village,

    We got a skiff of snow yesterday, and today is going to be 57! Hooray!

    We are traveling up to Great Falls today to see my Neurologist for a follow up. This is the fartherest we have traveled in over a year! (80 miles) We love the canyon and the Prickly Pear Creek. All the trees should be bulging with new life.


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  3. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  about 3 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    I am laughing at my “interlude” with Sting just now. He has a tiny “mouse” on a wire that he loves to chase. I dangle it for him and he will jump as much as 4 feet in the air to try to catch it. Sometimes he succeeds and I let him carry it around for a while. When I take it away he goes into give-it-back mode and is downright ferocious. He’s a lot of fun. (And the best part is when he’s carrying it around, the stick and wire drag behind him and Smokey goes after that.) Ah, life with cats.

    We aren’t expecting to get up to the high 80’s today. It should top out around 78, but that’s perfect weather for me. It is a bit windy, though…

    I bought Michael a log book for his Coke collection last Christmas, and a couple of days ago, I started entering things into it. I have only covered the one room we designated as the Coke room and there were 22 different pieces in this room alone. Most of the collection is still in boxes in the other room, and I can go through those 1 box at a time. We do have a few pieces in other rooms, but nothing like this room! Michael is upset with Coca-Cola and so has decided to take down the Coke stuff but wanted to catalog it first. I took pictures of each item, too.

    Laundry today and not much else. Maybe some more Coke cataloging and maybe some more photo scanning. I’ll figure it out.

    Everyone have a blessed day.

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  4. Photo0062a
    chris.smith618  about 3 years ago

    Good afternoon, Vagabonds.

    Much better day today. Yesterday, after the snow stopped, it warmed up to 52 and melted most of it. We did have the freeze overnight. It was 27 when I woke up this morning and it is now 52. We should end up with freezing temps again tonight and then return to normal spring. I am looking forward to that.

    We made our normal Wednesday run to Walmart. I like when there is no crowd in the store, downside is that they only had one check-out open and all the self-service. I refuse to use self-serve. There is talk about closing all the registers and making them all self- serve. I hope this is a rumor that doesn’t come true. Well today is also laundry day and it is time to move stuff from the washer to the drier.

    May you all have a blessed day.

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