9 to 5 by Harley Schwadron for March 06, 2021

  1. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 3 years ago

    That’s the problem with campaign strategies. It has descended into slander protected by the 1st amendment as the Supremes have defined it for political campaigns. Politicians use negative campaigning for one reason and one reason only. Because it works. Especially with the proliferation of mass media to potentially include anyone, accusations and name-calling get amplified. They take on the same sort of credence they have on elementary school playgrounds. With reliability to match. But it works. Everyone is ready to believe the worst of everyone else, and when we hear it we revel in it.

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    admiree2  about 3 years ago

    The 24 hour Policy Wonking business didn’t even last a week.

    Now sex and money in politics…there are some things our US enlightened electorate can use to help decide how to vote.

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    Doug K  about 3 years ago

    Demonizing people on the other side? Is it possible that people can have different opinions, support other candidates, advocate for contrasting policies without calling them (or being called) uncaring, deplorable, un-American, evil, or racist?

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    the lost wizard  about 3 years ago

    We need free sanitizing.

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    megerkey  about 3 years ago

    24 Hr. Must be the old school method, with social media these days usually takes 24 minutes.

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