Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for November 24, 2008

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 15 years ago

    Tracy and the one man swat team have not been paying close attention, I see. Is ltl Buzz Bomb on a kamakaze mission?

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  2. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 15 years ago

    There’s no need to fear Roborunt is here.

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  3. Missing large
    mjmsprt40  over 15 years ago

    It’s hard to comment on a thing like this. We’ve gone exactly nowhere since Friday, the Criminal Trio still haven’t had sense enough to run even after Brute Force told them to do precicely that, and the police force show themselves to be the most useless force in the history of police– the Keystone Kops not excepted.

    Bassman Bob is going to have his work cut out for him today. I’d almost be willing to pay for the arsenic his characters seem to want to pour in each other’s drinks, a new cast of characters couldn’t do any worse.

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  4. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  over 15 years ago

    Shirl(ey)’s sister really needs to get that thing removed from the front of her head.

    When this story is over the police may want to invest in MORE Swat team members and maybe even arm them!

    Looks like Braces is forcing out a very large poop in panel two.

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  5. Softball
    ridenslide65  over 15 years ago


    Groin-Bot will save the day?


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  6. Missing large
    neonleon59  over 15 years ago

    Panel 3: Has Tracy developed some serious buck teeth? He looks like an overgrown beaver.

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  7. Large fdr
    bassmanbob  over 15 years ago

    As Ltl Buzz Bomb sped towards his target he realized he’d finally get the chance to prove his worth to that fat cow Diet Smith. Even if it cost him his life it would be worth it! “Maybe when I save the day by stopping this metal moron everyone will remember me for my courage and not my size”, LBB cheered himself on with that thought. “Bombs away”! He screamed when he was just seconds away from his target.

    Meanwhile Braces and Natasha, still watching from a safe distance couldn’t contain their glee, but for different reasons! “OUR robot won”! Natasha yelled out, caught up in the heat of the moment. Her eyes focused in on Magnum Force as a grin formed on her lips. “He really is one hunk of a machine”! She knew that the combination of her brains and his brawn would make them unstoppable. She figured getting rid of Braces would be easy since Magnum Force despised him. “Good going, Brute Force”, she cried out, not realizing how much he hated being called that. Braces continued watching as Magnum Force made a mockery of Traze-R’s attempt to fight him. He could detect the admiration in Natasha’s voice as she cheered Brute-Force on. He made note of how she suddenly considered him “OUR” robot. All this caused him to grind his teeth so hard that the metal on his upper and lower teeth nearly touched! “Brute-Force will always be MINE and MINE alone or he’s NO ONES”, he determined.

    Officer Kersten was ticked off at himself. What a dilemma I’ve put myself in”, he panicky pondered. He knew he was unable to do anything to stop this Mega-Robots attack, yet he felt obligated to stay with Tracy, a helpless icon from the past. In desperation he cried out, “Tracy, who can stop this machine”? Dick didn’t say a word, choosing instead to just give office Kersten a glare of disgust. “In my day you’d never admit defeat”, Tracy thought. “What kind of swiveling cowards are they graduating from the academy these days”? He wondered. Tracy suddenly felt constipated.

    To be Continued………………………

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  8. 0ca0gnv65caws4te8cajv0y07caq1zgduca9f0krdcaxz3uedcaanhettcax2bi6vca1sojl9cajr2zskca5d1ksacar5id5xcaw6a8m1caydshrhcatu2fvtca9r623xcaf40u61ca73p070cab3ckxx
    EatDickTracySandwiches  over 15 years ago

    POLICE PERSON: could you at least TRY to stop the giant robot? He and Tracy are having a contest for who can be the most wothless person behind the bush.

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  9. Emerald
    margueritem  over 15 years ago

    Good job of making something out of today’s mess, BB.

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  10. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  over 15 years ago

    Why’d Locher put speed lines on the groin-bot? Given that it’s taking him several days to travel the ten feet to Brute Force, I think the speed lines are quite unnecessary.

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  11. Bonecrusher main
    RichardT  over 15 years ago

    bleh. Same stuff, different day.

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  12. Av 5363
    prasrinivara  over 15 years ago

    Au-revoir Brute-Force!!!

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  13. Missing large
    mjmsprt40  over 15 years ago

    I’m looking at this lead sled we’re calling Groinbot. He’s got a thing that looks like a turret gun mounted forward, a TV camera in the rear and he talks as if he’s just released bombs, much like a B-17. Why do I have a feeling that the turret gun has a part to play in this? Problem: Groinbot is already at point-blank range from the looks of this. Any shot from the gun is likely to destroy both bots anyway at that range.

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  14. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  over 15 years ago

    Unless what we think is the gun will just puncture the tire?

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  15. Softball
    ridenslide65  over 15 years ago

    Gweedo Murray says:

    Today’s installment was thrilling, and not the one up top. I’m a little disappointed in the mucky slow pace but the stuff down below makes it more tolerable.

    Gweedo - How right you are! Thank God for BassmanBob!

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