Jeff Danziger for March 12, 2009

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    mike.jones  about 15 years ago


    In fact, it’s a myth that he promised to “end earmarks”.

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    claudermilk  about 15 years ago

    Recall it was the other candidate who made the promise to eliminate earmarks altogether, not our current president. From his speech about this bill, he doesn’t sound real happy with it wither, but there’s bigger issues to deal with than a fight over 1% of the budget–particularly since Congress decided to wait until the last second to present it to him for signing. It’s more your other favrite scapegoat to blame this time around–many of whom are patent hypocrits in whining about the earmarks.

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 15 years ago

    What’s the Omnibus bill south of the border?

    Up here, a wery important bill in our history was named after that. It was one of Pierre Trudeau’s smart move and a memorqable quote defines it; “There’s no place for the State in the Nation’s bedchambers” (L’Etat n’a pas sa place dans les chambres à couchers de la Nation). Canada’s omnibus bill was passed in the late 1960’s. It legalized homosexuality divorce and contraception, among others. It’s a landmark of the sexual revolution in Canada and one of the rare things french and english can agree on.

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  4. Marx lennon
    charliekane  about 15 years ago

    Them wit’ th’ floppy noses like t’ b1tch about it, by they still gettin’ on th’ bus, an’ bringin’ they baggage along wit’ ‘em.

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    longtimecomicsfan  about 15 years ago

    Let me get this straight…we want public works projects like bridges, roads, and schools that DON’T fall in any elected representative’s district, right? So, no Congresspeople should have been consulted about what their districts needed, right? Obama should have just made up the list by himself, right? Riiigghhht.

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    longtimecomicsfan  about 15 years ago

    You know, it is refreshing to have a leader who keeps his promises to do things like get out of Iraq, shut down Gitmo, close secret CIA prisons in Europe, fund stem cell research, etc. Unlike the last guy who promised that anybody involved in outing Valerie Plame would be fired, and that he would get a warrant before wiretapping U.S. citizens.

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  7. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  about 15 years ago

    Obama is very practical and is working hard to get the economy going. So called earmarks stimulate the economy, they just can’t be worthless, such as “the bridge to nowhere.”

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  8. 5a65
    redheadsandrazorbacks  about 15 years ago

    ”Up here, a wery important bill in our history was named after that. It was one of Pierre Trudeau’s smart move and a memorqable quote defines it; “There’s no place for the State in the Nation’s bedchambers” (L’Etat n’a pas sa place dans les chambres à couchers de la Nation). Canada’s omnibus bill was passed in the late 1960’s. It legalized homosexuality divorce and contraception, among others. It’s a landmark of the sexual revolution in Canada and one of the rare things french and english can agree on.”

    that’s fabulous!

    in Canada an Omnibus bill is a bill that lets folks screw and in the US it a bill that screws people!

    Its a giant spending bill to “Pay” for government long enough for the Obama Administration to present their all new “ear mark free” budget next year.

    It keeps the money flowing so that government can function and about 2% of it goes to build new shrines for The Kennedys and The Bushes and a great many other wonderful things.

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  9. Dra
    hungryraptor  about 15 years ago

    Obama getting the economy going….right. All he did so far was take my 5yr olds income away before he even gets a chance to work.

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  10. 5a65
    redheadsandrazorbacks  about 15 years ago

    ”Hey,REDBACK, what do you care,anyway. You dont live here, and were not saying anything about your country. Why do you think you can criticize my President. If you had a dog in this fight I would understand, but all you do is criticize my President just for the sake of critizing. I dont like it when americans do it, let alone a wetback.(not a word I like to use,but you made me mad).”


    1.Last I checked, Arkansas is still in the USA

    2.Ive voted in every general election since 1976…heck ive voted in every small, off-year election that has been available to me since around the same time.

    3.Being that nearly everyone of your assumptions thus far has been 180 degrees away from correct, Ill not waste time explaining the whole “freedom of speech” thing to you.

    I will say (write) whatever I like about _my_ president and usually almost anybody else and I triple dog dare you to try and stop me.

    Nice misdirected hostility and super use of an ignorant racist blast though!

    Good day, chowderhead.

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  11. 5a65
    redheadsandrazorbacks  about 15 years ago

    ”listen, red backhair, kept talking about UP HERE IN CANADA, TRUDEAU,and the like, and there’s libel to be a lot more people thinking your a canadian. But you already know this, cause this is far from the frist time.So speak your french, and tell us about canada while you talk smack about the USA. That freedom of speach is a two way street, and you just got some.Good Day ?(up here in our history)”


    im beginning to think you don’t even know where you are.

    no wonder you’re confused about where i am.

    im sorry that you appear to have been unable to keep up, maybe Ill go slower next time.

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