Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for October 02, 2020

  1. Photo0062a
    chris.smith618  over 3 years ago

    Happy birthday, Jan!! May you have a wonderful day.

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    Dkram  over 3 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds

    Chilly, temps in the mid 40s, the furnace has been running some. Hum, not going to get much warmer ether, today’s high 48. Showers this morning becoming steady this afternoon. More water back into the ground.

    Rita, a pop Quiz: Who manufactures Coca Cola? (^.^)

    Hay Jan, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May you have a pleasant day. (^.^)

    I’m going to do my groceries today, get it out way.

    May God hold you in his hand and your day be full of joy.


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    MontanaLady  over 3 years ago

    Good Smoky morning, Vagabonds,

    Yep, the smoke is back. :(( Our whole area is dark on the fire & smoke map. Ugh!

    Well. since we have a Birthday Girl among us today, I’ll set up a breakfast buffet:

    Y’all come by for a virtual celebration!

    xoxo Happy Birthday, Jan!

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  4. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  over 3 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    I have picked up an intestinal bug, so my birthday celebration has been postponed for a while. That’s okay. I can make this birthday last for a week! ;-) Let’s see. David’s birthday is tomorrow and Mark & Barbara’s anniversary is on Sunday. We can keep this party going for a LONG time!

    We did get back up to triple digits yesterday. Barely. That should be the last of that though we will still be in the upper 90’s for the next week or so. Our AQI isn’t too bad, just 62 (yellow). We share that level with Reno (far west) and Elko (far east) while everywhere else is in the green. The wind patterns must be pretty erratic today.

    We got our car back yesterday and the body shop did a great job. You can’t even tell there was a problem. They even smoothed out the underside of the bumper where we parked too close to a high curb. It looks wonderful. The repair came in at exactly the estimate – $50 less than our insurance deductible.

    The Toyota Corolla we rented while the Fusion was in the shop was a really low-end one. It didn’t even have a GPS. I guess I have gotten spoiled by the raiseable driver’s seats in the last two cars we’ve had, but driving that Toyota was like sitting in a hole. I am extremely short waisted, so I could barely see over the dashboard, and the monitor screen in the middle of the dashboard sat even taller. I was going to get a thick towel to sit on, but we turned it in before it became necessary. I think we’ll specify a bit bigger car next time. (Hopefully there won’t BE a next time!)

    Thanks to everyone for their birthday wishes. May you all stay safe and have a blessed day.

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