Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for September 18, 2020

  1. Celtic knot
    Dkram  over 3 years ago

    A good Friday morning Vagabonds

    We are clear this morning with a balmy 37 degrees outside. (O.O) The forecast calls for plenty sun, plenty frost tonight. High 50. (don’t know if I can take the heat) (^.^)

    Gary tells us that we have early foliage conditions in the higher elevations. The hills along the Black River are beginning to display. More to come.

    A good day to all y’all and may God bless.


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  2. Florchi 2
    florchi  over 3 years ago

    Hola on Viernes, Vagabond Friends…

    My fave tv weather guy has promised us a break in the heat with lower temps and a lower dew point. After a long, hot summer, it looks like we’ll be having some lovely walking weather. Yea!!! Some cool morning, I may take a short drive and walk for a bit in a nearby nature preserve. I have a yen to “get out in nature.”

    And, with the cooler temperatures, I’ll be able to fold up my windshield sun-shade and put it away for 6 or 7 months. Without the sun-shade during the summer months, the steering wheel of my parked car gets so hot it burns my hands.

    For today, I’ll be busy running some “curbside” errands.

    —Florchi in South Florida, East of the ’Glades and West of the Ocean.

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  3. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  over 3 years ago

    Good Smokey morning, Vagabonds,

    Our air quality is still very, very bad….147. Not as bad as the other night, but we still can’t see the airport lights at the other side of the valley.

    All that’s on my agenda today is to divide up the freezer foods and make some breakfast sausage. That should take a while.

    Hope all is well for everyone.

    xoxo. Happy Trails.

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  4. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  over 3 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    Not much happening here, as usual. It’s a bit cooler and hazy today, partly smoke and partly thin cloud cover. We’re still expecting a high around 100, but somehow I don’t think it will get that hot. We’ll see.

    Michael had his post surgical check up yesterday and he’s 20/20 in his right eye now too. He says it is healing faster than the left one and is very happy with it. He’s only got one follow-up visit left, and that one is with the optometrist rather than the surgeon.

    I have a new little plaque over my desk (a gift from my church friends) that says “Dear Lord, May all my actions today be a Prayer to You.” I like that.

    David still seems to be MIA. Prayers for him, whatever he’s doing. The folks who post over at “Annie” are worried about him since he usually posts every day there.

    Everyone be safe and have a blessed day.

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  5. Photo0062a
    chris.smith618  over 3 years ago

    Good afternoon, Vagabonds.

    Another quiet day here. We have some haze from the fires but no noticeable effect on our air quality. We had a cold start to our day, 55. Not as cold as Mark, but a lot colder than normal for September in Missouri. It is only 72 out at the moment which makes it a pleasant day. I have been enjoying more old movies today. I just finished watching The House On Haunted Hill starring Vincent Price. I should get started on cleaning and organizing my deep freeze, I try to keep it organized but I am not always the one putting things in there. I am feeling the urge to make and freeze multiple casseroles for later consumption. That I believe will be my task for this weekend.

    Everyone stay safe and healthy.

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