Prickly City by Scott Stantis for June 25, 2020

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Not to worry.

    We’re going to eliminate federal support so that testing will become less available and less of it will be done.

    The direct result will be that there will be hardly any cases (soon to be zero) and so Fox “news” will again start broadcasting from their studios and everyone can stop at their favorite bar on the way home from work at the meat packing plant and attend church.


    Also, some state are following the federal government and decreeing that the pandemic response will best be left to each county, unless they use harsh means like shelter in place and issuing guidelines instead of suggestions, in which case the responsible party will be attacked. In any case, they will be on their own for testing, PPEs, etc.

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  2. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   almost 4 years ago

    As his poll numbers sink, governments that have allied themselves with Donald Trump’s presidency are racing to clinch favorable deals they see as unlikely under a President Joe Biden.

    Foreign leaders are accustomed to bracing for sudden swings in American politics. But Trump has been so unusual in his willingness to deviate from mainstream U.S. foreign policy nostrums that his potential departure is already inducing a geopolitical scramble rarely seen in modern memory.

    “This is a whole different level because the type of thing Trump would accept no president would have accepted ever before,” said Thomas Wright, an analyst with the Brookings Institution.

    He said foreign leaders trying to make gains from the potential final months of the Trump era need to balance how to do that and “not totally aggravate the next president, because it’s at least 50-50 now that Biden will be president.”

    Beijing sees both pluses and minuses in a Trump loss this November.

    The Trump administration has taken a hard line on an array of issues related to China, whose ruling Communist Party U.S. officials see as a long-term threat to the United States.

    Trump has spoken warmly of Xi Jingping, his Chinese counterpart. But he’s also imposed steep tariffs on Chinese goods, while his aides have traveled the world urging governments to cut various ties to Beijing, especially when it comes to relying on Chinese technology.

    Some in Chinese officialdom, however, reportedly see long-term benefits in Trump winning a second term.

    They argue that four more years of Trump will further damage America’s global standing and fray its alliances with other countries.

    That could benefit China as it seeks to increase its global influence.

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    William Robbins Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    This is the chart that I think best captures the extent of the US debacle. It adjusts both for population and for the fact that the US surge started later. And it’s damning
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    Bruce1253  almost 4 years ago

    COVID is a Darwinian Filter, it filters out people who are too stupid to contribute to the gene pool. It is kicking in full force right about now.

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    Norton99  almost 4 years ago

    I was on a 40-or-so mile bike trip with a group that included a couple of young teen and pre-teen boys. One of them kept going until he was so far past tired that he and his bicycle simply fell over sideways. Memorable ride, both for me and probably for the poor kid.

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    mikendi  almost 4 years ago

    And a unicorn for everyone!!

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