Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for July 01, 2020

  1. Celtic knot
    Dkram  almost 4 years ago

    Top-o-the morning Vagabonds

    The weather can be characterized as, cool man, cool. The weather report is a recording as that low just sits there and spins around, and around, and around. I’m getting dizzy.

    I guess I should explain a little about Vermont’s Queen City. First there’s UVM, a liberal arts university and medical school, that’s where M comes in. Not included with the IV schools but just as old. The city made the mistake of letting the students vote in elections instead of them going home and screwing up their own politics. This lead to the second thing, Burnie Sanders, Democratic Socialist (another way of saying Commie) Mayor of Burlington, Candidate for Governor of VT, never made it so he ran for CONgress and made it, now he’s Senator and running for President. (mommy) I could name some more things mostly Liberal Democrats and Progressives. Actually there is now only one Democratic on the board. So, there you have it, VT’s west coast near as screwed up as California.

    I know, I’m a baaad boy. “No Man is an Island” the song says but, sometimes I’d sure like to try it.

    OK, I’m waving bye bye. May you have a good day with Gods blessings.


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  2. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  almost 4 years ago

    Good July morning, Vagabonds,

    Well, Jack had to heat up the house yesterday again, Part of the problem is the rain cools things and the humidity adds to that. He tried out the new firewood. No big deal, firewood is firewood. It burns. But it’s 3 nites in a row that we had to use our stove. But now that July is here………………

    We have our yearly Wellness check ups this morning, so I’ve gotta run.

    xoxo Happy Trails

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  3. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  almost 4 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    We’re now officially into the second half of the year, so welcome to July my friends. As Mark said, the weather report is just a recording of the previous days. We should be back up to triple digits today, though just barely.

    One of our parking spaces (as listed in our deed) is right outside of our front door. It is an ongoing battle to convince folks that just because we usually park in the carport does not mean that it is open season on our parking space. I just had to kick the Cox Cable repair guy out of the space. Fortunately the next one over is a “visitor” space and he just moved his van over. Venting again, sorry.

    Laundry today. How exciting!

    Everyone be safe and have a blessed day.

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  4. Photo0062a
    chris.smith618  almost 4 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    We have rain this morning and cool temperatures, 70 right now, and not expected to get much higher. Laundry day and that is the highlight of the day.

    May you all have a very blessed day.

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  5. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 4 years ago

    Woodworker: You have my sympathies. We have an out-of-control city commission in the city where I live (pop. a little over 100,000). Such local governing bodies are kept in power by a political “machine” and a county state attorney who has been elected over and over and kept the job for 44 years (this is not a typo). Apparently the county SA is soft on public corruption and so the machine has kept him in power. He finally got old and is not running in Nov. 2020, and I am hoping enough voters are fed up and will vote for someone other than the candidate the old SA has endorsed.

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