ViewsBusiness by Cartoon Movement-US for May 16, 2020

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  about 4 years ago

    Totally agree with the dialog at the bottom right. Too bad that so many of our “leaders” are part of the obstacle course.

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  2. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 4 years ago

    Republicans are doing everything they can to make the second wave of deaths even bigger than the first. Aren’t they wonderful?

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  3. Missing large
    thetroms  about 4 years ago

    I keep getting letters from the RNC and Trump asking how they can make the country better and asking for money. After scrawling a nasty, filthy reply I cool down and shred the whole thing.

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  4. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member about 4 years ago

    The 2nd wave of the Spanish Flu of 1918 through 1920 was much worse than the first as the flu mutated to a deadlier form. Too much still unknown about COVFEFE-45, hopefully it doesn’t take the same course. But I’m sure the U.S. will be prepared come falltime…/s

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    ferddo  about 4 years ago

    Thinking people are not lining up, or allowing themselves to be coerced into risking infection, for the good of business profits…

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