Jack Ohman for October 11, 2019

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Decades of mismanagement by PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric) and utter disregard for consumer safety. Pure obsession with profits, short-range, not realizing that investment in preventive strategies would prevent losses.

    Now PG&E is in bankruptcy and a whole new raft of claims will be coming, since the losses from the outage are NOT caused by acts of Nature, but by negligence of PG&E in refusing to take preventive steps that other California utilities had taken.

    In 2007, there were numerous wild fires in San Diego County, including one that caused me an my family to be evacuated, though our home was not lost. Following that catastrophe, which resulted in SDG&E (San Diego Gas and Electric) being held responsible for almost $400 million in damages (within the last month the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an appeal holding the investors, not ratepayers, liable), SDG&E immediately began strengthening the grid, spending $1.5 billion on improvements, replacing flimsy wood transmission poles with poles of steel and concrete, putting 143 miles of transmission lines underground (and more to come) and establishing microgrids to limit preventive blackouts to small, local areas. The improvements are still ongoing with a completion date expected of 2025.

    So last year, when PG&E lines caused numerous fires, including the deadly Paradise fire, and Southern California Edison lines caused fires in Malibu and Thousand Oaks, there were NO FIRES in San Diego County.

    PG&E already had a model for how to do this and they ignored it in favor of short-term profits and now they are in bankruptcy. The state should take over the utility.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 4 years ago

    Worked on powerline Rights of Way in several states, several operators, PG&W was the worst of them all. Many violations cultural sites, T& E species, and lousy maintenance, like what started the Paradise fire. Saving a buck was only part of the formula.

    Which, So Cal Edison loaned us a helicopter to survey their proposed RW, when I noted the cost (I was a helicopter crew in ‘Nam) the guy responded simply, when we fire up the line, 17 seconds of profit will pay for it.

    Yes, PG&E could easily afford to do things right, they just don’t.

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  3. Photo 1501706362039 c06b2d715385
    Zebrastripes  over 4 years ago


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  4. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 4 years ago

    Everyone I know who got there power cut said, “there isn’t any wind here.”

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  5. Pontiac logo 04 583x436
    Pontiac Mick  over 4 years ago

    The ghost of ENRON has risen.

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  6. Photo
    S&C = Dismayed&Depressed   over 4 years ago
    this whole Fiasco with PG and E cutting inflicting costly blackouts to protect their customers is just so much bull… It just pin points the whole idea that if everyone has their own energy source in their own solar power panels or their own baby wind turbines, they could put a big dent in these corporate utility companies… These corporate utility companies need the competition from solar panels companies and from the baby turbines companies that are on the market… Maybe they will see the light?
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  7. A williams spt  1
    guyjen2004 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    CA is going to pot. Literally and figuratively :P

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  8. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 4 years ago

    One move against the idea of putting the giant power utilities at risk is to actually charge solar power generators for lost revenue instead of the power companies paying them back for their solar energy. Insidious way of harming solar. Solar power has been used since at least the middle to late 19th century onward. The solar voltaics started in the 1960’s onward. Time to rely on it. Solar-fusion power. No one could build a generator like our sun.

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  9. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 4 years ago

    When you give yourself stock dividends instead of trimming the trees fires happen.

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