Joe Heller for June 22, 2019

  1. Photo 1501706362039 c06b2d715385
    Zebrastripes  almost 5 years ago

    Hmmmm since the 50’s for sure….

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  2. Wtp
    superposition  almost 5 years ago

    Why is it so easy to create fantasies about things that we encounter but do not understand instead of building the tools to comprehend what we are actually seeing.

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 5 years ago

    People have seen UFO’s through out history.

    The really funny part is that the UFO’s are always one step ahead.

    Back in the horse and buggy days, people saw airships flying over the country, perhaps these sighting inspire us to invent these things.

    These days we see circular objects that move very fast and make right turns. We see black triangles that float without noise as if they don’t obey the laws of gravity. We see silver things that look like huge jelly beans come and go mysteriously.

    There are movies of objects that change shape in the air and appear and disappear as if they are going in and out of dimensions.

    It inspires us to invent these things, whatever ‘it’ is.

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  4. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 5 years ago

    218 BCships in the skyRome, ItaliaRoman RepublicLivy records a number of portents in the winter of this year, including navium speciem de caelo adfulsisse (“phantom ships had been seen gleaming in the sky”).

    74 BCflame-like pithoi from the skyPhrygia, AsiaRoman RepublicAccording to Plutarch, a Roman army commanded by Lucullus was about to begin a battle with Mithridates VI of Pontus when “all on a sudden, the sky burst asunder, and a huge, flame-like body was seen to fall between the two armies. In shape, it was most like a wine-jar, and in colour, like molten silver.” Plutarch reports the shape of the object as like a wine-jar (pithos). The apparently silvery object was reported by both armies.

    1561-04-141561 celestial phenomenon over NurembergNurembergHoly Roman EmpireResidents of Nuremberg saw what they described as an aerial battle, followed by the appearance of a large black triangular object and then a large crash outside of the city. The broadsheet claims that witnesses observed hundreds of spheres, cylinders and other odd-shaped objects that moved erratically overhead.

    1595-10-15Strange comet-like object that stayed fixed on the sky and which wasn’t found in any catalog of known cometsTârgovișteWallachiaAbout the time of Michael the Brave’s attack on Târgoviște which was occupied by the Ottoman Army there were reports of a bizarre “comet” that appeared in the city, staying pinned on the sky and shining over the Wallachian camp. Reportedly, it stayed there for about two hours before vanishing.

    1896–1897Mystery airshipsUnited StatesNumerous reports of UFO

    sightings, attempted abductions that took place around the United States in a 2-year period.

    1897-04-17Aurora, Texas, UFO incidentAurora, TexasUnited StatesA tale of a UFO crash and a burial of its alien pilot in the local cemetery was sent to newspapers in Dallas and Fort Worth in April 1897 by local correspondent S.E. Hayden.

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    dogday Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Oh GREAT! ANOTHER “Privilege” Trump can claim.

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    MartinPerry1  almost 5 years ago

    I’ve been participating in the Seti@home program for a number of years. The thought has occurred to me recently that any star-faring race would not be sending signals on the electromagnetic spectrum. After all, their ships would be faster than that.

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  7. Bloodstokehowler
    grenjello  almost 5 years ago

    Anything to avoid their real job.

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  8. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 5 years ago

    If you run out of purely earthling conspiracy theories, you can always bring up a red herrin… I mean UFO report. As a long time Science Fiction aficionado, I’m inclined to like the idea of aliens, even visiting aliens. But as a thinking being, I’m inclined to prefer reports that have clear-cut evidence behind them.

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