Bob Gorrell for June 20, 2019

  1. Gradinggorrell 01
    GradingGorrell  almost 5 years ago

    Same Iran character as:

    just stretched horizontally to appear fatter:

    you also used this guy a month ago:

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  2. Frank
    Frankfreak  almost 5 years ago

    It is the U. S. threatening peace. Trump threw out a working treaty and started pushing sanctions agains Iran. Did they mine the Gulf of Oman? Mines cause damage below the water line, not above. Considering how the U.S. installed and supported the Shah, they should be against the U.S. yet many of the population like Americans and people from other countries. Foreign Business interests in the middle east cause multiple problems for the inhabitants.

    {Had to edit the post with “Foreign Business”}

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  3. Missing large
    Gary Williams Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    As usual Gorrell has it ass backwards again. Why would Iran torpedo tankers now? What Iranian is running for president of the United States who needs a war to help his sagging numbers. Has Gorrell ever heard of the Battleship Maine, the Gulf of Tolkien motor boat raids on American destroyers, or Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction? Or how about Poland attacking the Germans in 1939 or the Chinese attacking the Japanese in 1933? Only a fool would believe this scenario.

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  4. Img 0048
    Nantucket Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    The Saudis are the biggest supporters of terrorism yet Trump won’t even denounce the murder of Khashoggi; the Bush family has VERY long term business ties to the Saudis. The U.S. protects Israel from UN sanctions; Israel meets protests with a couple of rock-throwers with massive bombs but Israel claims they are persecuted.

    Several countries have rightly questioned the U.S. version of events; they remember the BS leading to the Iraq war.

    Iran was complying with the treaty allowing inspections and NOT developing nuclear. Trump pulled out of the treaty and imposed sanctions, including on other countries that want to trade with Iran. The U.S. has the aggressive stance here.

    Consider the history of the U.S. in Iran – take a look at the CIA coup in 1953 where they removed Iran’s prime minster because he wanted to nationalize their oil. Considering the calls for blood from the U.S. after 9/11, should we really be surprised by Iran’s propaganda? (it isn’t meant literally)

    Bob, do you have any relatives that are a suitable age to fight in a war? Let them go along with Bolton’s and Trump’s family.

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  5. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 5 years ago

    Bob “There ain’t no such thing as nuance or truth” Gorrell who is clearly willing to send young people into harm’s way to support the US military industrial millionaires’ right to even more obscene profits (that adjective is about size and technique).

    Hey Bob: The Occupant started it by unilaterally withdrawing from a treaty that “paid” the Iraqis to slow/stop their nuclear development… with inspections… by gradually opening up some trade options. But no: they’re too Muslim so he had to stop that. Yes, the Iraqi leadership is loud and obnoxious, and they scream threats. But it’s the Saudis who actually funded the 9/11 terrorists (and much else, not all in the USA).

    If you believe that any of the military escapades the US has been involved in over the last 30 years might have been started via a false flag exploit, you should really carefully consider whether these latest things could also be.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 5 years ago

    USS Vincennes shoots down an Iranian airliner on a standard flight route. We have troops stationed in over 100 nations, and still shooting up Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and how many covert operations- yes threatening peace is profitable.

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  7. Photo 1501706362039 c06b2d715385
    Zebrastripes  almost 5 years ago

    War is more profitable to the GOP! All their contractor buddies get rich…

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  8. Pat new 150
    Patjade  almost 5 years ago

    Here’s news for you, Bob. Iran was complying with the nuclear agreement until Trump pulled out, started slapping sanctions, and moving more troops into the region. makes you really wonder who’s trying to provoke a war here.

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  9. Triumph
    Daeder  almost 5 years ago

    Gosh, wouldn’t it be nice if there was some sort of agreement that would prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and keep them accountable for their actions. Yep, sure would be nice if we had some kind of nuclear deal with Iran…

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