Walt Handelsman for April 20, 2019

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    gammaguy  about 5 years ago

    Chocolate rabid.

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    Union Man  about 5 years ago

    Did Trump hold an Easter Egg hunt this year? Did he find the most eggs?

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    Jim Kerner  about 5 years ago

    It will be held tomorrow.

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    Jim Kerner  about 5 years ago

    It’s like Twix. A left report. And a right report.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Actually, the Democrats were hoping for a “bombshell” in the report to allow them to say, “See…” without having to really READ THE REPORT and DRAW A CONCLUSION!

    The Republicans, on the other hand were (and still are) perfectly willing to allow the Trump Toady appointed by Donnie John to be America’s Attorney General (seriously?) to just tell the world what Mueller REALLY meant in his 448 page report outlining that, evidently, Trump and his fellow co-conspirators did absolutely nothing wrong and we all need to just “move along”.

    Two points here. The first, as predicate. “Obstruction of Justice” need NOT be committed to be criminal – it merely needs to BE ATTEMPTED to qualify as a crime!

    The second point is that Mueller’s report outlines, in excruciating detail, TEN DIFFERENT TIMES Donnie John ATTEMPTED to obstruct the investigation and was halted ONLY because someone OTHER THAN THE “PRESIDENT” stopped Donnie John from going forward with the effort!

    So, okay, why didn’t Mueller CHARGE Trump with “Obstruction of Justice”?

    Simple, really. Mueller hews to the “Rule of Law” and, as a prosecutor, he had to prove “INTENT” – and the only way he could do that is by having Trump testify before his Grand Jury, and he had already been told by Donnie John’s “crack” defense team essentially he’d do that over their collective “dead bodies”! So, unless he wanted to pursue it all the way to the Supreme Court (taking years), he was stymied. So he chose the alternate course of passing it to the House of Representatives.

    Of course, Mueller reckoned without Trump’s Toady A.G. Barr sticking HIS unnecessary “two cents” in.

    And so it goes.

    Trump IS PROVABLY GUILTY of multiple crimes and misdemeanors.

    Congressional Republicans are scared spitless of the Trump base, so they’re ALL TRUMP TOADIES, as well.

    Congressional Democrats remember all too well what happened to Clinton’s popularity after he was successfully impeached by the House but wasn’t convicted by the Senate.

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