The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day by John "Scully" Scully for October 17, 2019

  1. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 4 years ago

    And now, it’s time for your most awaited show, The Tale of the Giant Frog Creature from Outer Space!

    (Ep #93) :

    The attack drones swoop down on Plane Diptera, and begin slaughtering the giant mosquitoes in large numbers. As the attack drones were made of of lightweight, but strong metal alloys and composite materials, the giant mosquitoes couldn’t impale or damage the drones without significantly injuring themselves, especially their proboscises.

    As the giant mosquitoes always had a numbers advantage against the creatures they invaded, and also because that gave them instant blood, they hadn’t invested on large quantity of weaponry or other means of collecting and storing blood. Also, as per the bugs, there’s a rumour that according to the religion of the giant mosquitoes, they have to suck out blood fresh outta the creatures, to attain paradise after death. (They also abduct and imprison creatures to suck out the blood later, but since the giant frogs and the bugs have always put up a strong defense, the giant mosquitoes weren’t able to abduct any significant numbers in their battles on Bribbitt.)

    The high powered laser powered defenses and their other ballistics attack the drones and damage and destroy significant numbers of them. But the giant frogs had manufactured and deployed these attack drones in very large numbers. These drones attacked and took out most of the giant mosquito weaponry.

    With the giant mosquitoes on Planet Diptera suffering major losses and their numbers significantly reduced, the manned attack crafts and attack flying saucers of the allied frogs and alien bug forces now began entering Planet Diptera and attacking whatever giant mosquitoes and their establishments in sight.

    Brekk, Buzz, and others were all involved and led this fierce battle against the giant mosquitoes. The allied forces were finally getting an upper hand against the giant mosquitoes on Planet Diptera.

    (continued in the Reply)

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  2. Image
    Newzy Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Pumpkin spice will NOT infect our taco supply!

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  3. Frances 150
    CAPITAN FRANTASTIC   over 4 years ago

    This guy has been doing this for four years. f o u r y e a r s .

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