Jim Morin for December 12, 2018

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Under Trump-ividual 1 the American Dream has become the American Nightmare.

    But the cavalry is on the way. The first work day in January, Democrats take over the House, with full powers of subpoena (including Trump business records and tax returns) and full powers to hold PUBLIC HEARINGS in which all information of Trump-ividual 1’s crimes can be made public.

    Two years before Nixon was forced to resign in order to avoid impeachment and conviction, he had won the biggest landslide in electoral history: every state except Massachusetts and the District of Columbia, and even with that record enough Senate Republicans turned against him to ensure that he would be convicted on impeachment and removed from office.

    Trump-ividual 1 did not win 49 states.

    Trump-ividual 1 did not even win the actual vote of the people, and only “won” the electoral collage by razor thin pluralities in three large industrial states, with a total margin of 77,000 across all three states combined, while losing the total actual vote by almost THREE MILLION.

    When the full details of Trump’s treason and crimes are exposed, RepubliCONs will, as they did in 1974, find it safer to dump Trump than to fall on their swords for a con man scam artist criminal traitor.

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    lopaka  over 5 years ago

    Define parasite. Webster needs to add 1%er to the definition of the term

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  3. Skylark
    Skylark  over 5 years ago

    “I’m dreaming of a Clean white house. Just like the ones we used to know….

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  4. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima  over 5 years ago

    I’m no brainless trumpee, but today’s comic here falls flat as we see the unemployment rate very low for the past few years; everyone who wants to work really can if they’re able. I think it’s due to polices that were in place prior to the Orange Moron taking office, but it’s complex and very difficult to figure out sometimes.

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    gammaguy  over 5 years ago

    I don’t remember where I first heard this, but I think it’s spot on:

    “When you’re out of work and can’t find a job no matter how hard you try, for you unemployment is 100%!”

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    theherb95  over 5 years ago

    Workers for skilled positions are in very short supply. Worker retraining should be a national priority. Robots already do a lot of dumb jobs and will do more int he future. The future of U S employment is in service industries. Looks like the present administration has it wrong on all counts.

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  7. Skylark
    Skylark  over 5 years ago

    The people I see asking for handouts on street corners are not unwilling, rather, just unable to work. Let’s see…. Buy decent clothes (even at used clothing stores), get haircut, shave, find transportation to a job…..who in that position can afford to walk into a McD’s and buy a 99 cent hamburger let along apply for a job? I just believe (sadly) there is a large, totally unemployable number of people out there, thru no fault of their own. but…they still have to exist! It is NOT a black and white issue, no easy answers and the worst catch 22 situation I’ve ever seen.

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    feverjr Premium Member over 5 years ago

    As Goldwater said to the homeless mother of three, “If you had any initiative you’d go out and inherit a department store.”


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  9. Skylark
    Skylark  over 5 years ago

    There IS no homeless, no unemployment, no problems at all…Says the man who just said “Things are fine” while Mueller, Cohan, Pecker and who knows who wait in the wings to “flip” “Lock him up”. If only!!

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