Warped by Michael Cavna for September 04, 2018

  1. Video snapshot
    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Some were less than thrilled by his Honeymooners Rise, Hernandez, NM where he photographed them as they arose from their first night of wedded bliss to find a man with a big camera in the bedroom.

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  2. I yam who i yam
    Kind&Kinder  almost 6 years ago

    I interviewed him once in Carmel in the early ’70’s for a small magazine I was helping out. Quite an acerbic guy, but, clearly a brilliant photographer. For me, his black-and-whites seemed to have more depth of color and feeling than many full-colored works. There seems to be a real separation between the perceptive eye of an amateur and that of an artist like Adams and his artistic kin. But I guess that’s always true in separating the technically proficient and the artist. He said, at one point, his aim was to represent what was stirred in him as cleanly as he could, leaving it to critics to sort out what they felt. You sure do pick great subjects, Michael, and you do them justice. Thanks.

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  3. I yam who i yam
    Kind&Kinder  almost 6 years ago

    I interviewed him once in Carmel in the middle ’70’s for a small magazine I was helping out. Quite an acerbic guy. His black-and-white always seemed to have great depth of color and feeling to me, more so than many full-color works.. He said at one point that his aim was to present the sharpest, clearest picture he could in a way that represented what the scene stirred in him and leave to the critics to come to their own interpretations. I guess every photographer feels that, but there seems to be an almost mystical difference between the works of a technically proficient photographer and those of an artist, and Adams’ work proves the point. You sure pick the great ones to honor, and I much appreciate it, Michael. Thanks!

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