Steve Benson for December 15, 2010

  1. Bluejay
    Bluejayz  over 13 years ago

    ^ I truly hope you’re right (other than politically), but history says the odds are stacked against you. Besides, the Republicans don’t want to fix ANYTHING. They plan to obstruct any progress until 2012, no matter how bad the economy gets, so they can blame it all on Obama.

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    Jason Allen  over 13 years ago

    Blue, that’s exactly what Howie’s counting on. He actually believes we’re better off if the current Republican leadership were in charge.

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  3. Bluejay
    Bluejayz  over 13 years ago

    But it was Bush / Cheney / Republican bank and securities deregulation that caused the economy to tank.

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    oneoldhat  over 13 years ago

    securities deregulation that caused the economy to tank.= glass seagal act ended 1999 guess who was potus

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  5. Warcriminal
    WarBush  over 13 years ago

    ^It wasn’t just Steagall that did us in. The brunt of the damage came from Bush’s Commodities and Futures Act known as Gramm-Leech-Bliley, which caused the derivatives mess.

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    WestTex13  over 13 years ago

    If your going to point out Bush then you have to point out the Clinton housing regulations that caused such an extreme dumping of toxic assets into that banking system. Look up what WBR references in 1999. Slick Willy did that to you boys and girls but on the bright side he’s so smooth that he can make anyone swallow what he’s trying to unload and like it.

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    myming  over 13 years ago

    pass the buck, barak ?

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    Jason Allen  over 13 years ago

    Howgoz, my belief is that the Republican leadership no longer represents, nor cares about, the lower or middle classes. Not every Republican is part of that, but a lot of them are. I believe the Democrat leadership have become utterly spineless and unable to stand up for themselves. I am not a member of either party.

    I also believe the country would be MUCH better off if people start ignoring the pundits and blowhards in the media. Anyone telling you what to believe instead of encouraging you to read up on the issues and make up your OWN mine should be distrusted. That is a large part of my distaste for Fox “News”, Limbaugh, and et al. Well, that and their bald face lies.

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