Prickly City by Scott Stantis for June 22, 2018

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Trump economy doing pretty well? Huh?Stock markets have plummeted (after that first year when the final Obama fiscal year budget was operational).

    Interest rates are going up.

    Healthcare premiums going up (and people losing their coverage)

    Deficits and debts exploding to unprecedented levels

    Reward Chinese investments in Trump’s (and his daughter’s) companies (emoluments) by revoking ZTE telecom 1.2 unfair trade penalty and saying we need “more jobs in China.” What happened to America first and American jobs?

    Companies that were supposed to invest their corporate tax giveaways in more jobs are adding low-wage jobs in China and closing American factories (Harley-Davidson, GE Waukesha plant, Carrier, Caterpillar and others).

    Reversing financial reforms that got us out of the Bush recession, setting up next Republican recession

    Gas prices are skyrocketing (glad to plug our two electric cars into our solar panels). No infrastructure plan, and roads/bridges crumbling

    Sure, employment rates are still good, but employment is a lagging economic indicator. Took Obama several months to reverse the steady job losses he inherited from Bush, but then he reversed it to 84 consecutive months of job gains — an all-time record — that did not end until, you guessed it, the first Trump budget kicked in.

    Trump family profits at all-time highs! Emoluments! Bribes!

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    Darsan54 Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    As I remember, Bush II inherited a pretty good economy from Clinton and it did okay, until GWB decided tax cuts were the remedy to any and all questions economic. Then he declared war a couple of times, allowed an American city drown, deregulated financial institutions and watched as it went into the toilet. Carmen, Donnie has been undoing everything in response to the Great Recession and we will be there soon enough.

    And I don’t remember you telling anyone claiming Obama wasn’t their President was stupid during his administration, so don’t be surprised when it gets repeated now.

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    realexander  almost 6 years ago

    I’ve always been uneasy with the term “my President”. To me, it’s always been “the President”. He’s the chief of the executive branch of government. He’s not “mine” or “not mine”, any more than the CEO of my employer is “my CEO”. He’s just “the”.

    Calling him “my President” sounds too much like “mein fuhrer” or “Dear Leader”.

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    tremor3258  almost 6 years ago

    Didn’t this arc start by trying to get away from the current situation and it has switched back to defending it?

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  5. Coexist
    Bookworm  almost 6 years ago

    I have to side with Carmen on this one. But Realexander, supra, makes a valid point. The President is not “my” or “your” president; he is simply The President. While I do believe the last election was meddled in, there is no evidence of any votes being cast by anyone other than ourselves. So in the end, this is on (all of) us.

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    kaffekup   almost 6 years ago

    I eagerly await next week’s arc, when Winslow is invited to visit Carmen’s MAGA family, and enjoys it no end.

    Scott, I’m sorry you dropped the podcast.

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