Ted Rall for April 23, 2018

  1. Zh7uxue
    GreggW Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Socialism meaning what Bernie Sanders means? That’s more accurately called social democracy, “a democratic welfare state that incorporates both capitalist and socialist practices” (Merriam-Webster). Didn’t know polls among under-50s were so favourable of communism.

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  2. 20211231 surazeus 001
    Simon Seamount  about 6 years ago

    Capitalism is a production system. Communism is a distribution system. They will only work best together, supporting each other.

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  3. Missing large
    WestNYC Premium Member about 6 years ago

    And Ted Rall will support the ensuing Totalitarianism that enforces ‘equality’.

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  4. 8863814b f9b6 46ec 9f21 294d3e529c09
    mattro65  about 6 years ago

    Many of Trump’s (older and not well-educated) supporters associate Communism and Socialism with monsters such as Stalin and Tse-Tung. Their countries were fascist. Democratic Socialism works well as practiced in Scandinavian countries which are by no stretch of the imagination totalitarian. BTW, what is this MAGA nonsense? America is great, but flawed and could be better. Why do so many Trump supporters hate America? To them I say, love it or leave it!

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  5. Ssb icon gocomics
    SandShark Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Big difference between Democratic Socialism and Communism.

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    twclix  about 6 years ago

    Ted seems to be an absolutist, where the entire world is split into clear light and dark. No ambiguity. No nonlinearity. No subtle distinctions. No understanding that he often lets his view of the “perfect” block the merely “good.” But it’s worse. He also goes in the other direction to illustrate how his view of the “bad” is also the “worst.”

    Reality disappoints, Ted, doesn’t it? It’s messy and ambiguous with many arguments that have merit that seemingly contradict each other.

    Discernment is a critical necessity…and one that Ted cannot seem to grasp.

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  7. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  about 6 years ago

    This geezer has never been a fan of capitalism, and certainly not the vampire capitalism that is wrecking the world.

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  8. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 6 years ago

    If capitalism leads to being ruled by corporate citizens, I don’t think anyone would support capitalism except the corporate citizens. Meat citizens have less now than the last generation – and they had less than the one before. no wonder only old people still think of capitalism as something good.

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  9. Philo
    wahsahzii  about 6 years ago

    “If it catches mice does it matter what color the cat is?” Look it up.

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  10. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Most people don’t support genuine communism or wouldn’t if they had time to think about it. But, when presented with a choice, off the top of their heads, they think about the 1% owning most of the value in this country, they think about the homeless they see on the street, and they think about their own lives, and they know that what we have isn’t working for most people. So, they say “Yeah, let’s try something else.” If the average American feels secure, can afford a boat and HBO, and have a reasonable expectation of a secure retirement, they couldn’t be bothered to get off the couch and revolt. The 1%ers and their greed brought this on themselves, and the new Republican tax plan is going to make it worse.

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  11. 7kwiherk normal
    INTJutsu  about 6 years ago

    Yet another Marxist cartoonist pushing Socialism propaganda. Socialism is nothing more than stupid folks who’ve voted in Communism in exchange for freebies. The only way Socialism could ever work is if everyone was a hard working conscientious contributor to society, and freeloader were a small percentage. When it’s first implemented and folks see freeloaders doing well, they stop trying as the difference in effort & pay no longer makes it worth it. The freeloaders also see that they can make up any difference in pay through crime. You want to see Socialism, take a look in any ghetto. Folks living off the govt with some working, and groups of lawless thugs terrorize their neighborhoods. Folks aren’t sneaking into the ghettos at night throwing trash everywhere, spray painting graffiti, and vandalizing everything in sight. It’s the mindset of Socialists that everything is someone else’s responsibility.

    I’m sure the Marxists in our education system are to blame for so many young folks believing that socialism is not only sustainable on a large scale, but better than capitalism. What’s happening in Venezuela is what inevitably happens everywhere socialism is employed. A tyrant takes control and full blown communism is implemented. You can give it different names (i.e. democratic socialism) all you want, but it’s no different.

    Look at how socialist programs implemented by democrats have damaged the US by financially burdening working folks by making them pay for freeloaders and even those who are here illegally. Full blown socialism would make the burden many many times worse.

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  12. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  about 6 years ago

    Ahhh yes the boot strap crowd. The same people that think economic mobility is still feasible now just as it was 40 years ago. They don’t realize that the world has changed because of globalism (try starting a manufacturing plant in the U.S. and you’ll fail instantly), big financial incentives to corporations vs. small companies, and laws that punish small corporations while they give big corporations incentives to continue being dirt bags (a $100,000 fine hurts one business and doesn’t affect the other since they write it off as a cost of doing business).

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  13. Td icon60
    hmofo813 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    “The only demographic … over 50.” Interesting statement. Source, please? Please tell me this isn’t one study cherry-picked from among the hundreds of others saying other things. Yes, there’s been a trend in that direction for a while now, and everyone should be glad to see it, but this feels like an exaggeration.

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  14. Witch4
    Bex Premium Member about 6 years ago

    A musician friend traveled in Russia many years ago. He shared what was said by the locals at the time: “With communism, man is exploited by his fellow man. However, with capitalism, it’s the other way around.”

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    theherb95  about 6 years ago

    Much better to be controlled by Facebook.

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  16. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 6 years ago

    Yet another Authoritarian commenter pushing Russian propaganda. Republicans are nothing more than stupid folks who’ve voted in conservatism in exchange for freebies for the rich. The only way Republicans could ever work is if everyone was a hard working conscientious white , and minorities were a small percentage. When it’s first implemented and folks see the wealthy doing well, they stop trying as the difference in effort & pay no longer makes it worth it. The rich also see that they can make up any difference in profits through crime. You want to see Conservatism, take a look in any ghetto. Folks trying to live, and groups of lawless thugs terrorize their neighborhoods by cutting their programs. The government is sneaking into the ghettos and selling Crack. It’s the mindset of republicans that everything is someone else’s responsibility.

    I’m sure the regressives in our education system are to blame for so many young folks believing that climate change is made up, and the Earth is thousands of years old. What’s happening in Russia is what inevitably happens everywhere republicans are employed. A tyrant takes control and full blown authoritarianism is implemented. You can give it different names (i.e. populace nationalism) all you want, but it’s no different.

    Look at how regressive programs implemented by republicans have damaged the US by financially burdening working folks by making them pay for rich freeloaders and even those who are here but their companies are located overseas. Full blown authoritarianism would make the burden many many times worse.

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