ViewsAmerica by Cartoon Movement-US for November 25, 2010

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    landshark67  over 13 years ago

    No, the cart should be made of gold.

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    landshark67  over 13 years ago

    No, the cart should be made of gold.

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  3. Hp scands 7121620245952
    LoisG Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Maybe they should all be throwing golden credit cards at it! Or - more likely - the credit cards should be red - as in RED INK!

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 13 years ago

    Black Friday is the direct consequence of the commercialization of Christmas…..a secularization of the Biblical Birth of the Son of God….without a Biblical date of birth….chosen to fit Paganism’s calendars.

    the traditional December 25th home tree with more and more gifts…..(I was born in the Depression…a sock with fruit and nuts and one or two presents per child was a good holiday blessing)…and the big Family meal… grew so expensive that Layaways were invented, and year-long savings accounts for Christmas spending by WW2’s Working Moms….which led to the problem businesses and merchants have of “make or break” December shopping of red or black bottom line.

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    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 13 years ago

    ^ The commercialization of Christmas is a direct result of many things; abundance (when you have money, you want to enjoy it and when it’s gone, it takes a looong time before you can realize that you can’t spend money that is gone), smaller families (we have few children, now, so we keep them children as long as possible, and we spoil them. A lot) the rise of departmnt store (they invented christmas parades!) Advertising (the modern red-clad Santa was born in a Coke ad), parents feeling guilty about spending less and less time with their children and compensing with gifts, divorced parents competing for their children’s love, children using posessions to compete against each other (Having lots of toys often means being popular), movies and tv, credit cards and the banking system in general.

    But put back the manger and you won’t change the attitude. People will simply buy huge, expensive mangers instead of huge, expensive fake candy canes.

    People are that way, more inclined towards the materian stuff you can see than spirituality. Just look at the Vatican, or even non-christia religious temples, and you’ll see that even when they pretend loving God, people always end up loving wealth more.

    When they don’t simply use God as a way to get wealth.

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