Steve Benson for January 24, 2018

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    SteveBenson4  over 6 years ago

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Oh geez, first Ursula K. Le Guin and now this. 8:^(

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  3. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Wait, what? Really?! What a shame.

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    Dtroutma  over 6 years ago

    Our youth is going “poof”. Family members who also had Parkinsons, holding tight onto my own shoes, hoping the don’t drop.

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    Bobbers Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Parkinson’s is an ugly disease—I am very saddened to hear. I have always liked Diamond’s music, especially his early stuff (pre-Jonathan Livingston Seagull). I saw him live once (circa 1987), and as stated by JOSE & THE PUSSY GATOS, he was quite the showman. I really liked it when he picked up the black guitar that contained his old favorites. I think any classic rock collection worth the name must contain “Stones”, “Moods”, “Taproot Manuscript”, “Hot August Night” (the latter two are my favorites)… aw, heck, you’d need several more! I never could understand those who didn’t just not like his music, but who would make derisive comments when I’d mention him.

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    Sadandconfused9  over 6 years ago

    A showman,, a musician, a songwriter, a movie star, and a very fine Entertainer. It’s saddening that he has to go through this terrible disease.. he says that even though he won’t be touring anymore, he’ll still be writing and recording. Thank goodness for small favors and for large favors. I hope to hear more of his fine music… You know?… the kind of music that seems to resonate inside when you listen to it. I’m glad he knows how much we all care about him.

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    SteveBenson8 creator over 6 years ago

    Now that the cat’s out of the bag about Diamond still being alive, here’s the news that formed the basis for the ’toon:

    “Neil Diamond will no longer be touring due to his recent diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. The singer, who turns 77 on Jan. 24, announced his illness on his website Monday. ’It is with great reluctance and disappointment that I announce my retirement from concert touring. I have been so honored to bring my shows to the public for the past 50 years,’ Diamond said.’My sincerest apologies to everyone who purchased tickets and were planning to come to the upcoming shows.’ The statement also explained that the onset of the Parkinson’s disease has ‘made it difficult to travel and perform on a large scale basis but will allow Mr. Diamond to continue his writing, recording and development of new projects.’ Diamond added, ‘I plan to remain active in writing, recording and other projects for a long time to come. My thanks goes out to my loyal and devoted audiences around the world. You will always have my appreciation for your support and encouragement. This ride has been ‘so good, so good, so good’ thanks to you.’ Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder with no cure. Symptoms include tremors, stiffness and difficulty balancing, walking and coordinating movement. Due to doctor’s orders, the third leg of his 50th Anniversary tour has been canceled including the Australia and New Zealand dates that were scheduled to kick off in March. With over 130 million albums sold, a Grammy win and a spot in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame, Diamond’s long list of hits include ‘I’m a Believer’ (1967), ‘Red Red Wine’ (1967), ‘Sweet Caroline ’ . . . (1969) and ‘Crackling’ Rosie’ (1970). Fans across the country last saw Diamond perform ‘Sweet Caroline’ during FOX’s New Year’s Eve with Steve Harvey: Live From Times Square when he encouraged the the large New York City crowd to join him in singing. . . ." (Source: “People Magazine,” 22 January 2018)

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