Henry Payne for December 05, 2017

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Maybe some Trump Disciples can take a stab at explaining this cartoon to me.

    I know that Henry believes Shumer and any Democrat to be evil incarnate, but Democrats had zero participation in creating this tax cuts for the rich bill.

    Much of the bill was not even written by Republicans, but by their lobbyists and even Republican senators were not allowed to see its contents.

    Maybe Henry couldn’t blame Obama/Hillary for this tax cuts for the rich bill, so he picks the next Democrat?


    Henry, this is EXACTLY the kind of legislation you Trump Disciples crave, isn’t it?


    Next up: Attacks on Russian sanctions and the Magnitsky Act, so that Russian oligarchs can use America as their playground and can be with their American counterparts.

    Making America bigly great.

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  2.  cid 001501c858be 864af8f0 0200a8c0 d50gr671
    denis1112  over 6 years ago

    Child tax credit?Is that where people who pay no taxes at all get a refund?

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 6 years ago

    Its not a tax plan, it is the worst sort of Social Engineering.

    Your fetus is a person for tax purposes.

    Snuck into the rule that allows parents to deduct a certain amount of savings for their children’s education is a rule that makes clear an unborn child can qualify for these savings. This doesn’t really change the effect of the law—people can already save for future education expenses before their children are born. But it does quietly establish a legal precedent for the anti-abortion movement to cite that Congress believes unborn children are full legal persons. This is part of its strategy for undermining the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade to allow legal abortion in the US.


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  4. Picture
    Sadandconfused9  over 6 years ago

    This tax bill that was rushed through Congress with no input from Democrats is an outright declaration of war on the middle class and below middle class status also known as poverty-stricken Americans. The rich upper class will not be happy until they have annihilated and eliminated everyone below them. They want a white upper-class America, all others should simply disappear. They are too stupid to see that without a large middle class who can work, earn money, and consume products, there is no one to support them in the style to which they wish to stay accustomed to living.

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  5. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 6 years ago

    The Republicans defunded CHIP, Payne, show me where Schumer did it?!??!? Are you a Russian Bot too?

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  6. Missing large
    DrPawl  over 6 years ago

    The problem is, in order to get a temporary middle class tax cut and a temporary child credit, we need to tax Peter Cratchit’s college stipend, turn Scrooge&Marley into a pass-through entity with minimum rates, allow Ivanka Bounderby to inherit her billions tax-free and lower corporate taxes on the Warren Blacking Factory.

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 6 years ago

    Gee, who would ever suspect tax a quickly cobbled tax bill that nobody read and was passed at 2 am under a full moon could ever go wrong? It sounds like the beginning of a horror story.

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