Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for November 22, 2017

  1. My boys
    woodworker318  over 6 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds.

    Going to rain this morning into part of the afternoon with the temp at about 50.

    Going to go to the Chiropractor this morning, do a little more shopping and then come home to finish cleaning and setting up the dining room for Thanksgiving dinner.

    May you all have a good day.

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    Dkram  over 6 years ago

    Howdy Vagabonds

    Some rain maybe snow coming our way, not heavy though.

    We’ll get the bird out of it’s wrappings and finished thawing, the golden glo will be made. I should stop now, I’m making myself hungry.

    Y’all gave a wonerful day, catch ya tomorrow.


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    William Neal McPheeters  over 6 years ago

    After a week of high winds, we now have heavy rain. But the storm is supposed to pass by the end of the day. We are not doing anything special for Thanksgiving. It’s kind of quite on the island since most people don’t come down this time of the year. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ONE AND ALL!!!

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    MontanaLady  over 6 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds,

    It only got up to 38 yesterday………but when I got up this a.m. it was 48!!!!! I know it’s due to the winds announcing a pressure change, but 48!!!???!!! It should be great later on for my walk!

    We’re not doing anything for Thanksgiving, either. I am making the turkey breast and chicken breast with our favorite sausage stuffing. I’m baking the bread right now.

    We have so much to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! xoxoxo

    Happy Trails.

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    chris.smith618  over 6 years ago

    Good afternoon Vagabonds.

    Hope all are doing well. We will also have a small feast tomorrow. I’m doing the turkey and stuffing, and my 2 girls are bringing the sides. Grandkids will be with their father for the weekend so it will just be the 4 of us. Mixed up my stuffing this morning and still have my green salad to make. So I am working hard at not working hard. LOL.

    Everyone have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!!

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  6. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 6 years ago

    Good afternoon, Vagabonds.

    We’re not doing much for Thanksgiving either. We had originally planned to leave this campground on Thanksgiving Day so we could be back in Las Vegas by Monday. That went out the window when Michael decided to retire. (Today is his last day.) So we’re doing a turkey breast in the dutch oven over charcoal and the rest of the fixings in the oven inside.

    Today got all the way up to 67 and tomorrow is supposed to be 68, so it’s been a bit cooler than usual.

    Today we went over and had the propane tank refilled. That involves prepping the RV for travel and leaving the campsite for a while. We did leave all the outdoor stuff in place (like the patio and the sewer connections) so folks looking for a space would know this one is occupied.

    I bought a screen tent the other day and we set it up outside in the patio area. Now this is my idea of ideal. I love sitting outdoors, but hate the bugs crawling and biting. Inside the screen tent what few bugs that get in are more interested in getting back out than bothering me. I have spent a great deal of time out there in the past couple of days.

    We’re celebrating Michael’s retirement this evening with a bottle of Martini & Rossi Asti sparkling wine. What better way to toast a new way of life?

    Everyone have a blessed evening, and Happy Thanksgiving!

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  7. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 6 years ago

    One more note about the screen tent. We put in only two pegs to hold it in place, and the wind came up last night. This morning it was halfway to the river. It is light and easy to move, but that means a wind above about 6 MPH moves it too. Now it has 10 pegs holding it down and hasn’t moved in several hours in spite of some blustery winds.

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