John Deering for May 22, 2017

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    Odon Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Deju vu

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    Radish the wordsmith  about 7 years ago

    Firing Comey = Obstruction of Justice = Impeachment

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    twclix  about 7 years ago

    The whole “Comey better not release tapes” tweet is interesting. There are several trumpy behaviors that are 100% consistent—most of them related to his mental illness. His world is so narrowly centered and focused on himself (sociopathic narcissism), that he cannot seem to conceive of insults and accusations of others unless he has already done what he accuses others of doing. The whole “tapes” threat he made to Comey is interesting because it came out of the blue, apparently. Why would anyone think that his private remarks spoken in person to Comey would have been “taped?”

    Could it be that such “tapes” actually do exist, but only because trumpy installed them? Or is it the imagined feverish fears of a man who desperately wants his statements to Comey to go away, and conjures up this threat as a response? It’s always hard to find nderstand trump unless you see his behaviors through the appropriate lens of his mental illness.

    Either way, the use of the word “tapes” in trumpy’s threat against Comey is just one more “unforced error” by our mentally ill president. He makes them nearly every day. That is, unless the tapes exist, in which case they will either be revealed subject to a subpoena, or have already been destroyed. Crazy is as crazy does.

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    gammaguy  about 7 years ago

    @twclix: Huh? Trump never said, “Comey better not release tapes”. Just the opposite. Trump threatened Comey that he (Trump) might release tapes to show that Comey was lying and Trump telling the truth.

    But I strongly suspect that it was an empty threat, since I doubt very much that Trump had any recording equipment installed. (Obama wouldn’t have left any lying around for Trump to use, since he didn’t use any.) And even if Trump’s private-and-secret conversations were recorded, I doubt that Trump knows what they contain, since in the past he’s claimed that he didn’t say things right after watching a video of him saying them.

    Indeed, the very fact that he used the word “tapes” suggests that he made it all up on the spot, since “tapes” have been obsolete technology for decades, now.

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  5. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 7 years ago

    everything Trump tweets is true, unless he is joking or being ironic. The problem with the liberals is, they don’t know when Trump is serious. He is keeping all of the campaign promises he really meant, and disregarding the ones that his supporters knew were jokes. Just like tweets, you got to figure out which ones were real, and which ones are the opposite of fake-news

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    Hippogriff  about 7 years ago

    gammaguy: “Taping” is as obsolete as “dialing” a phone. Learn how language works before picking nits.

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    twclix  about 7 years ago

    @Gammaguy. Right you are! You got it correct and I did not. My original post was in error—so no wonder you called me on it. I guess I need to pay better attention to the trump tweets (or not!)

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