Dana Summers for December 27, 2016

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I’m used to laziness from Dana, but this is a very energetic form of not getting the point — an off-hand analysis of the election becomes “trashing” someone, non-violent drug offenders become “a bunch of felons” and finally allowing the UN to try to keep world peace becomes “betraying an ally.” So I guess Dana’s wishes for 2017 are that we stop talking about ways to improve, that we lock people up for smoking dope and that we stand in the way of international law so that more people can be pointlessly killed in Mideaster Wars.

    And that’s how we make America great again!

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 7 years ago

    Please, as if they didn´t do plenty of that to Obama during his presidency.

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  3. Blnatvla
    Barry Newton Premium Member over 7 years ago

    There you go. Kick that uppity black boy all the way out the door. Bigot.

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    kline0800  over 7 years ago

    News rumors quote inside sources that warn that Obama and his minions plan another stab in the back of Israel before his disastrous 8 years are ended………………………Obama did “trash Hillary”……….and he certainly topped previous presidents #s of pardoned felons that US law enforcement wasted time and money on arresting, trials and convictions by juries!………………“Justice” is apparently not in his lingo…………Israel has been betrayed by most presidents since Harry S. Truman immediately recognized the new Independent State of Israel on May 14, 1948…………..the Oslo Agreement has been # 1 diplomatic hoax and has ignored the International Law that guaranteed Israel title to every square inch of land west of the Jordan river, after most of Palestine had been divided between the “Arab State” of Jordan and created the states of Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iraq as Arab States……in the 1917 Balfour Declaration…………President Harding signed the 1922 Mandate……giving the USA legal agreement to the land divisions……….according to Daniel Horowitz in his 12/27/16 article at www.conservativereview.com……“there is no such thing as ‘pre-67’ borders….they were 1949 armistice lines”………after Israel survived the illegal Arab War of “extermination” of the new state…..Jordan illegally “Occupied” Judea and Samaria until the Arab-caused 1967 war that God helped Israel win in 6 days! That land belongs to Israel by the international Legal Laws since 1917…………..up to the legal charter of the UN, that never was voted to be changed! Israel has the right to consent to any land taken from the Jewish State! As late as 10/1/97 former Sec.State M. Al

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    kline0800  over 7 years ago

    (end of my extra-long post due to factual subject matter)=…….As late as 10/1/97 former Secretary of State Madellaine Albright admitted on a tv interview with Matt Lauer that Israeli construction in Judea “was indeed, Legal.” The current construction in Jerusalem, capital city of Israel, on Jewish-owned land, for homes for citizens, is also by international law very, very Legal and the USA and other UN member states need to be instructed by some international court of this fact. Arabs and Gentiles need to let Israel alone to govern the tiny island of Jewish land allowed by this world, in the midst of a vast Mideast group of Arab states with enormous land mass and vast wealth of resources such as crude oil. How shameful can one ethnic group be against “cousins”….Both Arab and Jew are Semites….and the God of Israel is keeping tabs of every harmful act against His Chosen People (Genesis 12:3).

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  6. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  over 7 years ago

    The usual right wing trash.

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    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    I have no problem with *Semites" per se, Arab or Hebrew/Jewish. What I DO have a problem with is that Likud and Netanyahu have enforced over 50 years of apartheid, enforced with walls, stolen lands, illegal developments, and other actions more extreme than in those days in South Africa, where we imposed sanctions to end the practice.

    Also overlooked in this is the fact that it was ISRAEL who tried to provide the apartheid regime in South Africa with nuclear weapons!

    Tevor Noah’s book, “Born a Crime”, gives an intersting look at what apartheid left in its wake, not just during the oppression. Arab Palestinians, Christians as well as Muslim, can look to the walls, the “checkpoints”, the occupation, and yes, oppression, and it might explain why after a half century of this treatement, they’re still “ticked off”??

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    kline0800  over 7 years ago

    Ignorance and hatred? mere “opinions”? ……seems to me that is what pours and spews out of posts of posters like Zuhlamon and dtroutma and Old Crow Nobo!………………………………….Jews have had to protect themselves from hatred and wars and attacks and murders daily since becoming a legitimate sovereign state in 1948……………….from Arabs who came from outside the land agreed upon by the League of Nations and the United Nations….squatters with no history like the 3,000 years of the Hebrew people in the land that God led Abraham from Ur of the Caldees to and God promised all the land from the Nile river to what today is northern Lebanon and east to the Euphrates river…..promised to exclusively the descendants of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob! God set up their government and their religion and gave them the Hebrew scriptures and sent them a Jewish Messiah to be Savior of believers among Jews and Gentiles through the history of Israel and the age of the New Testament Church! Jesus the Messiah will return and then the enemies will be stopped from hating, harming and lying about God’s People. God offered Love and salvation to all, but the enemies chose to be anti-God and anti-God’s People!

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